Using e-learning to set consistent expectations pre-arrival Bridging the Gap Using e-learning to set consistent expectations pre-arrival
Project Origins
E-learning formats
Deciding topics
Quizzes Interactivity Video E-learning content ‘Students in a fully interactive multimedia-based e-learning environment achieved better performance and higher levels of satisfaction than those in a traditional classroom and those in a less interactive e-learning environment’. (Zhang, 2005) We chose to include: Quizzes Interactivity Video Dongsong Zhang (2005) Interactive Multimedia-Based E-Learning: A Study of Effectiveness, American Journal of Distance Education, 19:3, 149-162, DOI: 10.1207/ s15389286ajde1903_3
Content conversion
Feedback sessions with current students
Applicant and faculty feedback
Our strategy and recommendations Map out skills needs of your students: What are your entry points? Are there particular assignment types? Are there experiences students are likely to have? Is there a particular makeup of the student body? Gather knowledge about skills support currently delivered to students: Are there materials currently used in induction which would be useful for students to access prior to arrival? Involve academic staff, use Google forms to widely gather information and expectations. Encourage student involvement, videos of students talking about their experiences.
Our strategy and recommendations Interactive Bespoke Multimedia Specific Design Consider.. Navigation IT literacy of your audience
Interested in working with us? Meets the aim of the student voice to set realistic expectations and introduce skills needed for Higher Education Students can access academic information pre-arrival while they are receptive and engaging with information from the University This should help with conversions, successful transitions into Higher Education and retention Can be easily tailored to cover study or experiences specific to Faculties
Any Questions? Feel free to get in touch: Library & Student Support Services Mary Dawson - Head of Library Services Cathy Pink - Academic Skills Manager David Chegwidden - Learning Technologist Sophie Parr - Senior Administrator