Compare/Contrast Ancient Civilizations
Climate/Geography Egypt River--Nile River Longest in the World Hot Desert Small amount rain Mesopotamia Plains/Plateaus Rivers Tigris & Euphrates * ( Rich Farmland) Desert Hot Small amount rain
Culture Egypt Farming Community Extensive Tomb Paintings Social Class System Pharaohs Mesopotamia Small City States Market Place Social Class System
Religious Beliefs Egypt Polytheistic( Many Gods ) Pharaoh- God and King Mummification Elaborate Tombs Mesopotamia Polytheistic (Many Gods) Ruled by priest -kings Burial under homes Pyramid_and_Sphinx.JPG
Writing Egypt Hieroglyphics Picture Writings 800 signs Cut into rock or stone-on papyrus paper Mesopotamia Cuneiform Wedge-shape marks on clay tablets
Economy Egypt Based on Farming Flooding of the Nile Expanded Trade Mesopotamia Based on Farming Wheat Barley Used plow first time
Government Egypt Pharaoh – great house Theocracy - religious leader and king Scribes – recorded government business Mesopotamia Theocracy - religious leader and king Absolute power Hammurabi's code
Achievements Egypt Great pyramid of Khufu Engineering and building skills Papyrus paper Rosetta stone – decoded hieroglyphics Cultural borrowing – technologies including horse drawn chariots Embalming Mesopotamia 12 month calendar based on phases of the moon Code of Laws – Hammurabi’s Code Babylonians – math system based on 60 Phoenicians – Alphabet – Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets of today
Fun Facts Egypt Cairo capital on Nile Pyramids Sphinx Rosetta Stone Mesopotamia First discovered civilization First to develop a calendar Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey