NormFace: 𝐿 2 Hypersphere Embedding for Face Verification Feng Wang Feng Wang, Xiang Xiang, Jian Cheng, Alan L. Yuille, NormFace: 𝐿 2 Hypersphere Embedding for Face Verification, ACM MM 2017
Motivation DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, Taigman et. al. , CVPR 2014 𝐿 2 normalization is applied only on the testing phase.
Training and Testing Pipeline
Preliminary Experiments Normalization term is critical in testing phase. Cosine Similarity: Note: Pretrained model from
Why is normalization so effective? A toy experiment on MNIST. Network: 8-layer CNN. Change the feature dimension to be 2. Each point corresponds to one 2D feature from test set.
Angular is a good metric for verification counter-example for Euclidean distance counter-example for inner-product
Why is the distribution in this shape?
Softmax is soft-max argmax operation is scale invariant. Softmax is the soft version of max.
Norm is related with recognizability Figure credit:L2-constrained Softmax Loss for Discriminative Face Verification, Rajeev et al, arXiv 1703.09507
Bias term Don’t use bias term in the inner-product layer before softmax.
Optimize cosine instead of inner-product Normalization layer: Gradient:
It’s not so easy After using cosine to replace inner-product layer, the network cannot converge. An extreme case: Softmax loss gradient(w.r.t. softmax activation): 9999 class 1 class Easy sample’s gradient ≈ hard sample’s gradient Difficult to converge. In practice, the lowest loss is ~8.5 (initial loss: ~9.2).
Formal mathematics The lower bound for 10,000 classes: 8.27 Very close to the real value: 8.5
Solution Add a scale parameter. Similar solution used in Batch Normalization, Weight Normalization, Layer Normalization. The scale is learned as a parameter of CNN.
Another solution Normalization is very common in metric learning. Seems that they don’t have converge problem. Popular metric learning loss functions: - Contrastive Loss - Triplet Loss
Metric Learning has sampling problem When the training sample’s amount is huge, such as 1 Million, we need to train 1M*1M pairs to do metric learning. Usually we need hard mining. Difficult to implement. Difficult to tune the hyperparameters.
Re-formulate metric learning loss Normalized-Softmax: Reformulate metric learning Contrastive Loss Triplet Loss
Effect of 𝑊 𝑖 We call 𝑊 𝑖 as the “agent” of class i.
Drawback All the experiments are fine- tuned based on other models (trained with softmax loss) When training from scratch, the performance is comparable with state-of-the-art works, but cannot beat them. Loss surface for softmax cross-entropy loss.
Some recent progress
Classification and Metric Learning This model is good for classification(>99%), but not good for metric learning.
Large margin softmax Liu W, Wen Y, Yu Z, et al. Large-Margin Softmax Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks, ICML 2016 Liu W, Wen Y, Yu Z, et al. SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition CVPR 2017
Classification loss for Metric Learning If the average angle span of the classes is θ, the margin should be larger than θ to ensure Liu W, Wen Y, Yu Z, et al. SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition CVPR 2017
Large margin can be achieved by tuning s
Large margin can be achieved by tuning s Softmax on low scale Softmax on high scale
Set smaller scale for positive score positive scale = positive scale * 0.75 LFW 6000 pairs: 99.19%->99.25% LFW BLUFR: 95.83%->96.49% s=15