Mary Pedersen, Chief Information Officer Beyond Justice – Coordinating Operational Information Sharing with Broader Emergency Management & Intelligence Initiatives Mary Pedersen, Chief Information Officer Kentucky Office of Homeland Security
Presentation Topics History of information sharing in Kentucky Information sharing initiatives: past and present Fusion Center Questions
History of Information Sharing in Kentucky Unified Criminal Justice Information System (UCJIS) 1998 House Bill 455 State and local justice representatives Established a vision and mission Developed an implementation plan
Probation & Parole System Various Warrant Processes Where We Started ? ? ? Jail System Police Records System Court System Probation & Parole System Juvenile System State Systems Various Warrant Processes Prosecution System
Integration Challenges Multiple User Organizations Disparate Communication Environment Different User Perspectives Privacy Concerns Multiple Legacy Systems Multiple Technical Environments Juveniles
Information Sharing Initiatives Computerized Criminal History Mutual Aid Wireless Data KyWINS Messenger JusticeXChange eWarrants Kentucky Open Portal Solution (KyOPS)
Computerized Criminal History Replaced 20 year old legacy system Enhanced functionality/usability of criminal history system FBI III compliance Improved sharing of information Court disposition information Violation information Participation in the National Fingerprint File Electronic data sharing (Automated Fingerprint ID System) File purging
Mutual Aid Provide an analog “Call Channel”+ in each of the 3 frequency bands used in the Commonwealth {MA} 150 MHz Band 450 MHz Band 800 MHz Band
Mutual Aid Provide a means of cross connecting each of these channels to the other {BIM}
Budget Summary Mutual Aid BIM CRD Project Grant Amount Remaining $724,000.00 $20.60 BIM $912,100.00 $14.69 CRD $200,000.00 $259.00 TOTAL 1 $1,836,100.00 $294.29 Phase 2 450 MHz 900,000.00 - TOTAL 2 2,736,100.00
Kentucky’s Mutual Aid Project Recognition Kentucky’s Mutual Aid Project 2006 NASCIO Recognition Awards Business Continuity WINNER: Kentucky
KY Wireless Interoperable Network (KyWINS) Completed in June 2006 Built using IPMobileNet 800 MHz as the standard 165 base stations across the Commonwealth Emphasis placed on using existing public access towers to keep down recurring costs Wireless speed is 19.2 Kbs and based on TCP/IP traffic Any program using TCP/IP with the speed limitations will work on KyWINS 1087 units and 1517 users hosted (50 departments and 3 Agencies)
KyWINS Messenger Messaging Interoperability The purpose of this pilot project is to evaluate an instant messaging program (KYWINS Messenger) that can be used by all public safety agencies in the Commonwealth. The system must use the statewide wireless data systems and work regardless of the mobile computer software they are using
KyWINS Messenger Allows state and local agencies to communicate over the wireless network Can be used by all public safety agencies across the state regardless of the mobile software they have chosen to use Major step toward establishing interoperable communications between ALL first responders The software is free to all agencies The software can be installed in vehicles as well as on office based computers. This can allow critical command level staff to stay in touch with field staff
JusticeXChange Near Real-time “who’s in jail” database Information sharing solution for justice agencies nationwide Contains: Mugshots Incident reports Detailed booking information 100% of KY jail beds Nearly 50% jail beds nationwide Nearly 600 KY users
eWarrants Standardizes & automates the arrest warrants process through a computerized database Provides greater availability of outstanding warrant information for law enforcement authorities statewide Uses “electronic” signatures which improve efficiency in the workflow Judges and county attorneys access the system through individual “workbaskets”
KyOPS KyOPS includes the following Programs: E-CRASH (Collision Reports) E-Crime (Summary UCR Crime Reports) E-Citation (Criminal & Traffic Citations) E-Courtesy Notice (Traffic Warnings) E-CRASH Scan (Data Extraction from 2D Barcodes) E-CRIME Scan (Data Extraction from 2D Barcodes) E-NIBRS (Incident-Based Reporting) E-Crime Supplement E-Call Response E-Intel (Field Intelligence Reporting)
KyOPS E-Intel Report Officers can inform the Fusion Center of suspicious behavior- real time Fusion Center determines routing: File for future reference Contact submitting agency for additional information Forward to FBI and/or JTTF Online since December 2005 Several hundred reports received to date
KyOPS Future Reporting KyOPS includes the following Programs: E-CRASH (Collision Reports) E-Crime (Summary UCR Crime Reports) E-Citation (Criminal & Traffic Citations) E-Courtesy Notice (Traffic Warnings) E-CRASH Scan (Data Extraction from 2D Barcodes) E-CRIME Scan (Data Extraction from 2D Barcodes) E-NIBRS (Incident-Based Reporting) E-Crime Supplement E-Call Response E-Intel (Field Intelligence Reporting) E-NFIRS (National Fire Incident Reporting System)
KyOPS Features and Functionality Wizard-Based Applications: KSP patterned KyOPS after Turbo Tax. The KyOPS programs ask preliminary interview questions. Based upon the answers, the user is required to complete data that is pertinent to their report. 2D Barcode Scanning: KyOPS users can scan more than 37 different state driver’s licenses to input into the electronic collection applications. Diagramming Tools: EasyStreetDraw and CrimeScenePD have been integrated into KyOPS to enable officers to diagram collision and crime scenes within KyOPS. Supervisor Approval: After completion of the electronic wizard, the reports are forwarded to the Supervisor for review.
KyOPS Web Portal Functionality Simple Document Search: Authorized users can search for imaged Collision, Crime, and Citations documents. After retrieving the document(s), the user can view or print the documents. Advanced Data Query: Allows authorized users to perform complex queries to retrieve collisions that satisfy the search criteria. An example includes: Collisions from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2004 Agency ORI includes all 16 KSP Post Number Killed in the Collision is Greater than 0 Roadway Number is Interstate 71 Roadway Condition Code is Wet
KyOPS Reports, Extracts, and Mapping Management Reports: Authorized users request Management Reports to analyze Collision, Citations, and Crime data. (Example: High Accident Locations, Summary of Collisions by Time Period, Reported Fatal Collisions by County, etc.) Extracts: Law enforcement, transportation, and federal agencies utilize KSP Data Extracts to update their existing applications. (Example: RMS Extract, SafetyNet, CarFax, etc.) Creation of Maps: The KSP GIS staff utilizes the KyOPS data to produce maps that identify high accident and crime data for specified periods of time. (Example: Produce a map where more than 5 collisions occurred in the same location over the past 5 years during the 4th of July holiday)
KyOPS Standardized, Formatted Reports
KyOPS: Extracts from Advanced Queries
Mapping of Data Results from Advanced Queries With CRASH data, the KSP conducted a public education project on deer/automobile accidents in November 2002.
KyOPS: Production of High Accident Maps
Intelligence Fusion Center
Fusion Center The Fusion Center is a milestone in achieving a unified force among all levels of law enforcement agencies; public safety agencies such as fire, public health, and transportation; and the private sector. Fusion Centers bring all relevant parties together to maximize the ability to prevent and respond to all criminal acts and terrorism.
Fusion Center Role To compile, blend, analyze, and disseminate criminal intelligence and other information (including but not limited to threat assessment, public safety, law enforcement, public health, social service, and public works) to support efforts to anticipate, identify, prevent, and/or monitor criminal activity.
Fusion Center Capabilities Provides all crimes & terrorism analytical services Supports the JTTF with counter-terrorism investigators Supports all law enforcement with requests for information on suspects Serves as conduit for law enforcement requests for information from other Fusion Centers Serves as repository for the state’s identified critical infrastructures Receives state-wide all crimes tips through a toll free hotline 1-800-EYEONKY and/or website submission Kentucky Arson and Drug hotline center Kentucky Amber Alert notification Connected to the US Department of Homeland Security Network (HSIN) Connected to LEO and ROCIC Multi-lingual support Traffic and incident management center (Transportation Operations Center) Monitors news, transportation infrastructure, weather, sensitive material convoys, and EOC incidents Telecommunications for Kentucky State Police HQ and Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security Questions Contact Mary Pedersen, CIO Kentucky Office of Homeland Security 502-564-2081