Getting creative with writing!
Let’s brainstorm some of the things we can ascertain from this image. What can we see? Location Weather Emotions Senses Now we have the basic understanding required to create a text about this scene. Let’s brainstorm some of the things we can ascertain from this image.
Get creative! You have two options: Write the story of what is happening in the scene. Write a limerick inspired by the image.
What are the features of a limerick? Generally humorous Five lines Rhyme scheme: AABBA Metre follows a pattern: The syllables should follow roughly the following pattern: 8,8,5,5,8 9,9,6,6,9 Let’s have a go at one!
Limerick Pedro liked to fish with a smile, Til he captured a big crocodile, The boat was unstable The croc turned the table And won’t need to eat for a while.
Check out the following galleries to find your own inspirational image! pictures march?articleId=USRTR4VMK5