Social CHANGES from Renaissance to 1800 Andrew Noglows
Women during Renaissance Secondary to men Blame put on them for men’s wrongdoings (seductive) Raise children and work at house Couldn’t live alone Property and possessions became their husbands Very few rights Rape not a severe crime
Women in 1800 Same as during the renaissance for the most part More job opportunities Factories, textile mills More protection under the law
Slavery prior to Atlantic Trade Slavery is prominent in Europe Turkish Ottomans are the slavers Slaves were people that were conquered in battle or captured Slavery did not have racist feeling that it did in the new world Slaves treated better than in the New World Women traded as sex slaves
Atlantic Slave Trade Brought to the new world primarily Caribbean, brazil get most imports 10-28 million Africans taken into slavery Triangle Trade Slavery takes on a racist feeling Slaves treated horribly by owners and slavers Bad conditions on slave ships
Premarital Sex Before 1750 Less than 1% of children born out of wedlock 33% of first children concieved before marriage Community controls: community shaming to prevent illegitimate births After 1750 Illegitimacy explosion Illegitimate birth rates rapidly raise to %25+ in parts of Europe
Education Gutenberg Bible 1600 Only nobility and upper class children educated 1/6 of French males literate Bible 1800 2/3 of French males literate Women becoming more literate Common peoples education not as advanced as upper class Bible, fantasies, fairytales, adventure stories Gutenberg Bible
Medicine More research is conducted Smallpox vaccine is greatest accomplishment Faith healers, pharmacists, surgeons, midwives Less common for women to be involved in medicine compared to men Hospitals were unsafe