Vice President Distributor Development Heart of a Leader Leslie Boyd-Bradley Vice President Distributor Development
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Heart of a Leader Leaders care, relate and connect to help others grow! Empathy builds relationships and understanding Goal is Inter-dependence (want you), not Co-dependence (need you). When you work from your heart – Believe it will always come back to you, just not always the way you expect it to. - It does comes back to your pocket - Helping others gives you benefits of the heart (It’s not about the money)
As a Leader You are expected to: Think bigger, faster Be both confident & modest Be authentic Be a good listener Be good at giving encouragement, but never satisfied Make unexpected connections Provide direction, and avoid giving answers.
As a Leader You are expected to: Make change while standing for values that don’t change Lead by example Not blame, but learn Admit and learn from failures Look for and network with other leaders Develop more leaders And, finally… CELEBRATE SUCCESS!
BE Heart Driven Faith Belief Hope Passion Faith – In your ability to stay committed, overcoming obstacles along the way. Blind faith that keeps you focused, and makes all things possible. Belief – In yourself, your Team, your company and the opportunities that you offer others. Unwavering belief, especially under pressure. Hope – To lift your attitude and spirits; to carry you through difficult and doubting times. Passion – To set your HEART on fire! Without which all else becomes less meaningful!
Heart of a Leader Focused & Driven We can get stuck, pulled off track, or even paralyzed by negativity, hopelessness or loss of faith. FAITH, unwavering faith, can keep you… Focused & Driven