Grace King High School 2018-2019
Operation Start on Time Tardy and Attendance Move quickly to class and be RESPECTFUL of any faculty or staff member in the hallway assisting with transitions. Students are expected to be seated in class BEFORE the tardy bell sounds. Classroom doors will be closed and locked at the sound of the bell. Students who are tardy must report to the courtyard to receive a pass from on of the deans. No pass, no admittance to class.
Attendance Students are expected to come to school every day and report to class on time. Tardy Students who arrive between 7:20 and 7:24 do not need a pass but WILL be marked TARDY. Students who arrive after 7:25 you MUST check –in and get a pass from the office Students in the other block who are tardy must get the weekly pass signed (with a time) in order to be admitted to class. Tardy students will also have to sign in on the tardy log. Tardy Procedures 1st and 2nd Tardy – Warning 3rd Tardy – Teacher contacts parent/guardian 4th Tardy – Parent Conference and referral to FINS (Families in Need of Service) 5th and 6th Tardy – Teacher held detention 7th and 8th Tardy – Saturday Detention
Attendance Student may have no more than 5 unexcused absences per semester. Students with more than 5 absences will receive the grade of F* on their report cards indicating that no credit has been received. Students with 4 or more unexcused absences will be referred to FINS. Documentation for unexcused absences should be turned into the front office within 5 days of the absence. Attendance information can be found in the student agenda. IN MY CLASSES Students with unexcused absences will be allowed to make-up work but will only receive partial credit. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for students with attendance issues to earn an A in the class or pass the certification test.
School-wide Rules and Expectations Be Safe Wear your uniform correctly (including your ID around your neck) at all times. Electronic devices (cellphones, etc.) should be off at all times. Gum, food and drinks should not be consumed in the classroom. Stay in your designated area.
School-wide Rules and Expectations Be Responsible Students must have their pass signed in order to enter class after the tardy bell. Come to class with all supplies/materials and be prepared to learn. Students will not be given passes during instructional time.
School-wide Rules and Expectations Be Respectful Stay attentive and engaged from bell to bell. One voice at a time. Be kind and considerate in all interactions. Take pride in your campus by keeping it clean.
School-wide Rules and Expectations Restroom Policy Students are expected to remain in class for the full instructional period. Teachers WILL NOT be issuing any passes. Students may only use the restroom between classes. Students who arrive at the restroom prior to the bell will receive an EXCUSED tardy pass. Those arrive to the line after the tardy bell will receive an UNEXCUSED tardy pass. In emergency situations, teachers may page the office and a duty teacher will escort the student to the restroom.
Anticipated 1st Day of School Bell Schedule 7:20 AM First Bell Rings 7:25 AM – 8:20 AM Homeroom 8:23 AM – 9:47 AM 1st Period 9:50AM – 11:14 AM 2nd Period 11:14AM – 11:46 AM 1st Lunch (9th Grade Only) 11:49 AM – 1:23 PM 3rd Period (9th Grade Only) 11:17 AM – 12:41PM 3rd Period (Grades 10, 11, 12) 12:41PM – 1:13 PM 2nd Lunch (Grades 10, 11,12) 1:16 PM – 2:40 PM 4th Period
Anticipated Bell Schedule Friday, August 10th – Friday, August 17th 7:20 AM First Bell Rings 7:20 AM – 8:00 AM Homeroom 8:03 AM – 9:30 AM 1st Period 9:33AM – 11:00 AM 2nd Period 11:00AM – 11:40 AM 1st Lunch (9th Grade Only) 11:43 AM – 1:10 PM 3rd Period (9th Grade Only) 11:03 AM – 12:30PM 3rd Period (Grades 10, 11, 12) 12:30PM – 1:10 PM 2nd Lunch (Grades 10, 11,12) 1:13 PM – 2:40 PM 4th Period
Attentive Accountability Attitude Attendance The 4 A’s of Grace King Attentive Accountability Attitude Attendance
Attentive What does it mean to be attentive? Compare and contrast attentiveness in social setting and in the classroom? What are the benefits of being attentive? How will attentiveness impact your academic achievement in this class and others?
How does one demonstrate accountability? the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions Brainstorm a list of people who are accountable to you and who you are accountable too. How does one demonstrate accountability?
Attitude What does this mean? manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind What does this mean? You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
Attitude It’s not always about you. You’re not going to always get your way!
Attendance Attendance is among the 10 employee work ethics most valued by employers. Attendance is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. Louisiana requires students to attend school for a certain number of days to be promoted to the next grade and earn credit for a course. Under the law, students must attend school from age 7 to 18 or until they graduate from high school.
Attendance Students are expected to come to school every day and report to class on time. Tardy Students who arrive between 7:20 and 7:24 do not need a pass but WILL be marked TARDY. Students who arrive after 7:25 you MUST check –in and get a pass from the office Students in the other block who are tardy must get the weekly pass signed (with a time) in order to be admitted to class. Tardy students will also have to sign in on the tardy log. Tardy Procedures 1st and 2nd Tardy – Warning 3rd Tardy – Teacher contacts parent/guardian 4th Tardy – Parent Conference and referral to FINS (Families in Need of Service) 5th and 6th Tardy – Teacher held detention 7th and 8th Tardy – Saturday Detention
Attendance Student may have no more than 5 unexcused absences per semester. Students with more than 5 absences will receive the grade of F* on their report cards indicating that no credit has been received. Students with 4 or more unexcused absences will be referred to FINS. Documentation for unexcused absences should be turned into the front office within 5 days of the absence. Attendance information can be found in the student agenda. IN MY CLASSES Students with unexcused absences will be allowed to make-up work but will only receive partial credit. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for students with attendance issues to earn an A in the class or pass the certification test.
Attendance M.U.S.T – Make-up Seat Time I will NOT offer make-up seat time opportunities. If I have to come to work, you have to come to school! If you find you self needing make up seat time remember: It must be done before the close of the marking period. Time must be served completing work for each class individually (you missed 5 days in English and AP World History you must do 5 hours for English and another 5hours for AP World History)
Here’s a FACT of Life Sometimes expectations are put in place that we may not like or agree with. In some instances we can simply remove ourselves from those situations, unfortunately sometimes we are stuck there for a period of time, this is called ADULTING 101. If we are afforded the opportunity to remove ourselves, by all means, that is what should be done. But, if we’re stuck in that situation with no possible way of getting out, then we need to suck it up and make the best of it. With that being said…….
Schoolwide Rules and Expectations Be Safe Wear your correct uniform (including your ID around your neck) at all times. Electronic devices (cell phones, etc.) should be off and put away at all times. Gum, food, and drinks will not be consumed in the classroom. Stay in your designated area. Unless the activity requires you to get up and move about.
Schoolwide Rules and Expectations Be Responsible Students must have a “sweep’ pass to enter class after the tardy bell. Come to class with all supplies/materials and be prepared to learn. Passes are not to be issued to students during class time. (You will only be allowed to leave if you are called by the front office, operations or one of the counselors.) You must have your ID and agenda to leave the classroom (when called for administrative purposes only).
Schoolwide Rules and Expectations Be Respectful Stay attentive and engaged from bell to bell. One voice at a time. Exhibit kindness and consideration in all interactions. Care for your campus by keeping in clean.
Restroom Policy Students are expected to remain in class for the full instructional period. Teachers will not be issuing any passes to classroom students. Students may only use the restroom between classes. Unless you have a restroom pass from the nurse. Students who arrive at the restroom prior to the sounding of the tardy bell will receive an excused, restroom pass. Those students who arrive at the restroom after the tardy bell will receive a tardy pass. In emergency situations, teachers may page the office and an administrator will escort the student to the restroom.
Interactive Student Notebooks - ISN 2. All class notes and notebook assignments should be included, even for days you are absent. You are responsible for getting and completing all assignments you miss! An important part of your notebook is visual appearance. Your notebook should be neat! The page number is required to be in the upper right hand corner of each page in your notebook.