Do Now Take out notebooks and causes graphic organizer.
Logistics We’re going to be finishing our look at the causes of the French Revolution today. We’ll also be working towards our next target: 6.1.3 Learning Check for 6.1.2 and our first writing task will be on Monday.
Assignment: complete graphic organizer. Fill out the bottom “argument” row of the graphic organizer. Come up with a good thesis and one piece of evidence for each cause. PROMPT: Why was this cause the most important? At the very top, near your name, tell me what you did to contribute to the collaboration yesterday. You have 15 minutes.
What caused the French Revolution? You’ll be answering that question in a writing task on Monday. Make a heading for notes called “The Estates General”
Second Hundred Years War 1689-1815 France and Britain were in the middle of a series of wars. By 1789, France was losing. The navy had been destroyed in 1759. Most of France’s colonies had been taken in 1763.
King Louis’ Dillemna In 1789, France was facing crisis. It could not pay off its war debts. Its people were being crushed by enormous taxes. King Louis needed more money but the only people in France with any money left were the nobles.
Why was the Debt so Bad? France’s war debt had become so high that it could barely pay the INTEREST on its loans, let alone pay down the loans. By 1789, France was facing bankruptcy, which would mean the end of French power.
Attempted Reforms The 3rd estate could not be taxed more heavily. They had no money left. The King and his ministers attempted to pass new tax laws which would tax the 1st and 2nd estates. The nobles resisted every effort to do so. They would only allow taxes to be collected if they could gain power in the government.
The Estates General of 1789 The only solution left was a calling of the Estates General, a parliament. It included members from all 3 estates of the government. It had not been called in almost 200 years.
The Estates General of 1789 The King needed to outvote the Nobles. In order to do so, he gave in to demands by the 3rd estate to double their voting strength. Therefore the 1st and 2nd estates each had 300 delegates and the 3rd had 600.
The 3rd Estate Most of the 3rd estate was made up of poor farmers and laborers. These people were suffering intense famine and had to resort to desperate measures to live. However, only people with land and money could be a delegate to the Estates General so all of the 3rd estate representatives were bourgeoisie.
The 3rd Estate The bourgeoisie were angry. The 3rd estate did all the work and paid all the taxes. Many bourgeoisie considered the 1st and 2nd estates to be dead weight. The delegates to the Estates General were not going to leave without reform.
Notebook Response The King gave the bourgeoisie power to help him against the nobles. He understood that this might force France to reform. Was this a good idea?