Evidence that Demands a Verdict The Uniqueness of the Bible
The Bible is Unique in Its Character It was written over an interval of 1,400 years. The writers wrote in various lands, from Italy in the west to Mesopotamia and possibly Persia in the east. The writers themselves were a heterogeneous number of people, not only separated from each other by hundreds of years and hundreds of miles but belonging to the most diverse walks of life. In their ranks we have kings, herdsmen, soldiers, legislators, fishermen, statesmen, courtiers, priests and prophets, a tent making rabbi and a Gentile physician, not to speak of others we know nothing apart from the writings they have left us. The writings themselves belong to a great variety of literary types. They include: history, law, religious poetry, didactic treatises, lyric poetry, parable and allegory, biography, personal correspondence, personal memoirs and diaries, in addition to the distinctively Biblical types of prophecy and apocalyptic.
The Bible is Unique in Its Character Unique in its Time Span Covers a period of 1,300 to 1,500 years. In comparison to other literary and historical works, the Bible is exceptional in that it was written and assembled over a vast number of generations. Unique in its Geographical Production The works were written by peoples in areas as diverse as Rome in the West, Egypt in the South, and Mesopotamia in the East. Unique in its Authorship Authored by approximately 40 different people. Written by those surrounded by power and wealth on the one hand, to lower class Galilean fishermen on the other. Written by military leaders (Joshua), trained philosophers (Job and Ecclesiastes), a tax collector (Matthew), a historian (Luke), and a zealous Pharisee (Paul).
The Bible is Unique in Its Character Unique in its Literary Genres You have narrative, prayers, commandments, letters, and wisdom dialogue (just to name a few). Unique in its Languages Written in 3 different languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) Unique in its Teachings The Trinity The Incarnation and Atonement Faith vs. Works – All other worldviews and religions teach works.
The Bible is Unique in Its Impact Unique in it’s circulation and Translation The Bible has registered and unparalleled history with how many ways you can find the Bible (i.e. online, Bible apps, Bibles) The Bible continues to surpass all other literary works in production and circulation. Rarely do we ever heard of a book selling a million copies. Even more rare do we find a book that has passed 10 million sales. When one considers the freely distributed copies of biblical literature, the numbers reach into the tens of billions. In 2012, the United Bible Society, handed out over 405 million Bibles. When a book is translated, it is normally translated into 2-3 languages. The Bible has been translated into 2,883 languages! This reaches 80% of the world’s population.
The Bible is Unique in Its Impact B. Unique in its Survival and Resiliency No other written work has been so attacked, scrutinized and persecuted as have the canonical books of the Bible. Unique in its Impact on Western Civilization No other book has influenced western civilization as much as the Bible. From its historical narratives, moral teachings, and existential claims, the Bible has laid the groundwork for democratic forms of government and law, the rational exploration of the natural world, movements in both art and literature, societal morals and values.
“Indeed, anyone sincerely seeking truth would consider the ongoing impact of a book that, although it reached completion nearly 2,000 years ago, continues to have a range of appeal and influence that is unique.”