Stony Brook Update: Ready to Start… T.K. Hemmick for the Tent Crew
Glovebox Cleaning Complete After significant cleaning: Alcohol wipes with more abrasive wipes. Alcohol wipes with dust-free wipes. Blow out with compressed gas. Flush with high capacity HEPA unit. Blow out with de-ionized gas. The dust meter read better than class 10 while resting on the FLOOR of the glovebox. Congratulations to Christina, Matt, and Thomas for these efforts. Class of a clean room is defined as the number of dust particles above 0.5 mm in one cubic foot of air. Here the unit measured zero such particles in 0.1 cubic feet of air. Typically the number of 0.3 mm particles is ~6X the number of 0.5 mm particles.
Shot Completed and Ready. The shot was made under all optimal conditions (pumps working better, particularly the rebuild cryo & scroll pumps). QE looks fine (but PMT was a little unstable during measurement, might want a tweak of the alignment).
Cathodes still in Evaporator. Parts were received for the global shades but are not yet installed. Thus, the glovebox is still open (with large HEPA unit continually flushing it). It will require about a day after the installation of the global shade supports to get the glove box fully under dry nitrogen so that the installation can begin.