Basic On-Job Management Competencies 33.1 O.H. 33.1
Human Relations Competencies Are Always Important 33.2 O.H. 33.2
Tactics to Begin the “Right” Relationship with Your Employer Dress the way you are expected to dress. Develop a system to remember the names of those to whom you are introduced. Take careful note of your own supervisor and others who are successful in the company. What do they seem to have in common? Use a personal time planner. Be punctual; don’t make others wait for you. Don’t get into a routine. Be friendly. Listen much more than you talk! Be quick to praise others. 33.3 O.H. 33.3
More Tactics for the “Right” Relationship with Your Employer Practice conflict resolution to avoid confrontations. Look for solutions rather than for problems. Remember that neither life nor your position is always fair. Don't get involved in office politics. Remember that hospitality managers are typically successful because of their teams. Solicit feedback. 33.4 O.H. 33.4
Still More Tactics for the “Right” Relationship with Your Employer Find a mentor. Volunteer for special projects. Recognize that you will likely work extra hours. Meet persons outside your department. Think about the present and the future. Keep alert to job openings within your company. Have fun at work ! 33.5 O.H. 33.5
When to Consider a Career Move When you are in the wrong position When you feel you are “not going anywhere” When you are experiencing interpersonal problems with your immediate boss When your department and/or organization are having difficulty For physical or intellectual reasons For long-term career advantages 33.6 O.H. 33.6
Professional Development Opportunities 33.7 O.H. 33.7
Suggestions to Organize Professional Development Activities Think about activities in your present position that you could do better. If you have a mentor, he or she can be a ready source of professional development alternatives. Try to objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses. Think about your likes and dislikes. Establish professional development priorities. 33.8 O.H. 33.8
Working Your Professional Development Plan 33.9 O.H. 33.9