RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Divine Judgment on Eli’s Posterity ”, we learnt that God cancelled his promise to Eli and his descendants and judged them for their sins and Eli’s negligence. God does not bless backsliders. Parents must not only love their children, but correct them when they do wrong. The Lord rewards and exalts faithful servants to replace those found unfaithful. .
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 704: GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO SAMUEL MEMORY VERSE: “And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord” (1 Samuel 3:21) . TEXT: I Samuel 3: 1-21
SUMMARY The Call and Attributes of Samuel (1 Sam 3:1-10, Amos 8:11,12; 2 Chro. 15:3) God called Samuel at a time when the word of God was scarce in Israel. Samuel was dedicated, pure, humble and prepared for divine assignment. Condemnation of the Corrupted Priesthood (1 Sam 3:11-14, Ezekiel 3:17-21) God is no respecter of persons: He will judge every unrepentant sinner. Divine judgment may be delayed but God will certainly punish sin. Character and Consecration of Faithful Preachers (1 Sam 3:15-21, 1 Cor. 4:2) Samuel declared God’s message faithfully, plainly and fully as he received it. Samuel knew the Lord from his childhood and retained the divine presence to the end of his life and ministry.
QUESTION 1 Why did God abandon Eli, the aged and experienced priest? I Samuel 2:29,30 Colossians 3:25
QUESTION 2 What can true believers do to prevent famine of the true word of God? Ezekiel 22:30 2 Timothy 4:2
QUESTION 3 Enumerate the good qualities found in Samuel 1 Samuel 3:1,8
QUESTION 4 How does God speak to His children today? 1 Kings 19:12,13 Genesis 37:5-11 Luke 24:32 1 Peter 1:25
QUESTION 5 What should be the attitude of believers to sin? 2 Corinthians 6:17 Ephesians 5:11 2 Timothy 2:19
QUESTION 6 How can ministers retain divine presence and anointing to the end of their lives and ministries? 1 Corinthians 9:27 1 Timothy 4:16
CONCLUSION The scarcity of the undiluted word of God calls for passionate prayers and preaching of the sound word of God to rescue the perishing. Christians who do not restrain others from sin are guilty of encouraging its spread and will be judged. Though God is a God of justice, He is also merciful and pardons iniquity if there is genuine repentance and restitution.