Teri tanosil kasalliklari kafedrasi teri tanosil kasalliklar fani maruza Suzak . Boshqa venerik uretritlar .laboratoriya tashhisi.Epidemiologiya.


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Presentation transcript:

Teri tanosil kasalliklari kafedrasi teri tanosil kasalliklar fani maruza Suzak . Boshqa venerik uretritlar .laboratoriya tashhisi.Epidemiologiya .Profilaktika

So’zak So’zak –infekcion kasallik Qo’zg’atuvchi –gonokokk Neyssera Inkubacion davri - 3-5 kun , 1 kundan 15 kungacha bo’lishi mumkin yuqish yo’llari –jinsiy yo’l Maishiy kontakt yo’li – kamdan kam

Tasnifi Siydik –tanosil yo’llar quyi qismining asoratlanmagan gonoreyasi Siydik tanosil yo’l asoratlangan gonoreyasi Siydik tanosil yo’llarning yuqori qismi va kichik toz azolari gonoreyasi Boshqa azolar gonoreyasi hillariga ajraladi

Disseminaciyalashgan so’zakli infekciya So’zakli artrit Terining shikastlanishi So’zakli sepsis

O’tkir ,o’ tkirosti so’zakning klinikasi Ajratmalarga shikoyatlar Bemor uretrasining tashqi teshigi ‘va achishish bezovta qiladi Quvvatsizlik,bosh og’rigi,uhlamaslik va hok

Diagnostika Surtmalarda Neysser gonokoklarini topish Harakterli klinik manzara

So’zakning torpid turi Jarayen asta sekin kechadi Kam miqdorda ajrtamalar bezovta qiladi Gonokokklarni topish qiyin

So’zakning asoratlari Parauretral yo’llarning yalliglanishi Balanopostit Prostatit Epididimit Vezikulit Strikturalar Cistit,piyelit,piyelonefrit Proktit Extragenital asoratlar

So’zakni davolash Davolash Uzbekistonda 1996 yilda «Suzakning davosi va profilaktikasi kursatmasi « asosida Ambulator va stacionar davolash Antibiotikoterapiya Immunostimulaciya Vitaminoterapiya Mahalliy terapiya

Urogenital sexual transmissiv kasalliklar Hlamidioz Тrihomoniaz Мikoplazmoz Genital gerpes Каndidoz Gardnerellez

Тrihomoniaz Qo’zgatuvchisi –Trichomonas vaginalis Inkubacion davri - 7-10 kun Yuqish yo’llari–jinsiy, maushiy – kontaktli yo’l

Кlinika Siyish vaqtida achishuv og’riqlar O’tkir ko’pikli yiring ajratma Uretra labchalarning giperemiyasi

Дiagnostika Bakterioskopik tekshirish Bakteriologik ekish usulida tekshirish

Дavolash Mahsus trihomonadaga qarshi dori vositalar - metronideazol, flagil ,tinidazol va hok . Immunostimulaciya Vitaminoterapiya Мahalliy davo

Hlamidioz Qo’zgatuvchi – Chlamidia trachomatis Inkubacion davri - 1-3 hafta Yuqish yo’llari – jinsiy yo’l

Kechishi O’tkir O’tkirosti Surunkali kechuvchi

Klinika ,asoratlari Jinsiy azolarning yalliglanishi Uretradan ajrtamalar Konyunktivit Reyter kasalligi Asoratlari Bepushtlik Bugimlarning surunkali yalliglanishi

Дiagnostika Bakterioskopik tekshiruv Surtmani Romanovskiy –Gimze usulida buyash To’gri immunofluorescenciya usuli Immun peroxidaz usuli Bakterioskopik tekshiruv : Аjratmalarni tovuq embrioni va hujayra kulturasida undirish usuli Serologik immunofluorescenciya usuli Polimeraz zanjirli reakciya ajratma yeki siydik tekshirilishi usuli

Davolash Antibiotikoterapiya Vitaminoterapiya Immunostimulaciya Mahalliy davo

Asoratlari Epididimit Cistit Bepushtlik Reyter kasalligi

Gardnerellez –bakterial vaginoz Qo’zgatuvchi –Gardnerella vaginalis Mobiluncus Yuqish yo’llari –jinsiy yo’l Кlinika -50 % ayollarda shikoyat yo’q Quchli rivojlanganda –nohush kaymoqsimon ,yeqimsiz hidli ajrtamalar ,qichishish ,achishish Diagnostika – « kalitli “hujayralar bakterioskopiyada ,10% КОН tasirida yeqimsiz baliq isi , рН 4,5 yuqori qin ajratmasida Davolash instrukciya buyicha Asorati –bepushtlik

Mikoplazmoz Qo’zgatuvchi –Micoplasma hominis Yuqish yo’llari –jinsiy yo’l Кlinika – o’tkir ,surunkali yeki kam simptomli yalliglanish alomatlari jinsiy yo’llarda Diagnostika –siydik yeki ajratma mahsus muhitga ekiladi Davolash –instrukciya buyicha

Birlamchi profilaktika Informaciya , mulokot ,manaviyat –marifat orqali sanitariya oqartuv ishlar olib boriladi .Sehual hulqini uzgartirishga ,kasalliklar yuqishiga olib keluvshi omillarning kamaytirishiga qaratilgan .

Ikkilamchi profilaktika Faqat tibbiy muassasalarda davolanishni tushuntirish JBYUI faqat mahsus muassasalarda bepul davolash Кasallik manbai,kontakda bulganlarni ,skrinning orqali yashirin infekciyalarni erta tshhislash va davolash

The subject:Gonorrhea. Another veneral uretrithy. Complications The subject:Gonorrhea. Another veneral uretrithy.Complications.Laboratory methods.Epidemiology, prevention. Gonorrhea transmission: the main route of transmission - through sex (from a patient or carrier of the disease), household contact. Basically, there has been contamination with girls of ill mothers infected with gonorrhea by personal (underwear, sponges, etc.), with the rules of personal hygiene, contamination of the newborn through the birth path (gonoblennoreya). The nature of localization of foci of inflammation distinguishes gonorrhea: - Urine -genital organs - extra genital - metastatic. To disseminated or disseminated forms of gonorrhea include: - Gonosinoviitis; gonorrhea arthritis; gonorrhea dermal; gonococci sepsis; gonococci endocarditic; gonococci perigepatitis;   Gonococci meninigitis.Formy gonorrhea lower division urinal-genital organs in women: the vulva and vestibulit; and parauretrit urethritis, vaginitis (rare); Chlamydiosis. - The disease causes Chlamydia, parasitic on the mucous membranes of various organs. For women, Chlamydia cause inflammation of the urethra, Fallopian tubes and cervix, changes in the structure of its mucous membrane, can cause ectopic pregnancy, Guy. Children because of the disease occur lesion mucous membranes of eyes, lungs, ear, it could lead to the deaths of newborns. Chlamydia is the cause of venereal limfogranul. Tsitomegalovirus infection. Sexually transmitted infections. Pathogen - cytomegalovirus detected in saliva, urine, blood, breast milk, vaginal and cervical cancer, as well as in extremely large quantities of sperm. Most often found in sexual ways women with disordered sex. Shankroid (soft chancre, venereal ulcer). - Isolated cases of the disease observed in our country, linked to the delivery of infection from abroad. The main route of infection - sex. Is caused by streptobatsilla, easily detected by the microscopic study of the exudation of ulcers. Treatment - general and specific local therapy