VASSP Ten Top Tips ~ Difficult Conversations with staff Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals
General Tips on School Culture Around Feedback Establish school’s protocols and procedures around feedback Be clear on agreed behaviours, developed with staff input Have regular conversations around expectations and roles Establish the 4Ps process for discussions: permission, parameters, purpose, process ( ref. Roger Dingle) Feedback that isn’t linked to goal setting is just information; without trust and support it is just noise.
1: Be prepared Have all facts at your disposal – data, complaints, advice (from Conduct and Ethics, VASSP or VGSA 2008 and its Implementation Guide if necessary) Plan your comments - but don’t read from a script Use reference material such as E5, PoLT, VIT standards, P&D Culture Cover the points you want covered. Think about possible questions you may be asked and discuss these with a colleague. Rehearse/role play prior to meeting. Set up the room as you would like it, for all to be comfortable Know the person you are talking with – i.e. individual approach.
2. Choose how you will broach the subject with staff member Have an appropriate time and place for meeting Don’t be rushed
3. Decide who will be at the interview Who will be with you? Offer same opportunity to staff member Define their role It may be one person both parties are happy with
4. Keep focused and on task Have an agenda / plan Be clear about the aim, expectation, outcomes and next step of the meeting Plan questions / dot points for response Avoid deflections – acknowledge peripherals, but go straight back to the issue
5. Stay emotionally controlled Understand you can’t control someone’s response Don’t engage in the emotion Hold meeting well after an incident so it is not so emotional Recognise that this meeting may be uncomfortable for both
6. Listen actively to the person’s opinion Try to give person ownership of issue and solution Provide an opportunity for the person to speak their mind Reflect on their opinion
7. Recognise when to hand over to the next level Should an Assistant Principal or Principal be involved? Is this a case for Unsatisfactory Performance or Misconduct? Would a support group be of help? Is counselling necessary?
8. Have pro formas for regular feedback as part of normal processes Put positives on paper regularly Distribute questions prior to discussion What is going well for you? How can I help? How am I going? What can I do better?
9. Keep clear notes Restate what has been agreed at meeting Have a written summary and any other documentation collated Share notes – both parties have a copy
10. Invite a follow-up meeting if desired / necessary Enables debriefing Where to from here? Encourage staff member to seek feedback from others if appropriate Developed by VASSP Committee February, 2010