Using Mergent Intellect’s First Research database for industry research Olivia Olivares, Assoc. Professor Saint Cloud State University Spring 2018
To access First Research industry profiles, go to Mergent Intellect in the list of SCSU databases on the library’s website and click “First Research,” circled on the right.
In order to access First Research, you’ll have to log in to the database first. Remember to use your SCSU e-mail address, not a gmail or other account.
You can search for industry profiles by keyword or by industry code (NAICS or SIC). For this exercise, use the NAICS code for your company found in your company’s Morningstar profile. For this demo, I’m going to search for an industry profile for the commercial passenger airlines industry, NAICS 481111.
The search by NAICS retrieved 31 industry profiles The search by NAICS retrieved 31 industry profiles. Note that “Airlines” is the first listed, but there are several profiles also listed for ancillary industries for which there are separate industry profiles: aircraft maintenance and repair, airport operations, and so forth. To see the commercial passenger airlines profile, click on the first link (arrow): Airlines / NAICS: 4811.
There are a couple of ways to access industry information from the profile page. You could click on the blue “View All Industry Overview” tab (arrow) to get a brief overview of the industry that includes a look at the competitive landscape, technology, finance and working capital, and other aspects of the industry.
Or you could click on “Full Profile” at the top right of the page (circle) for a profile that includes all of the subjects at the right side of the page (brackets): Quarterly Industry Update, Industry Forecast, Business Challenges, and so forth.
Full industry profiles are fairly lengthy, but still printable Full industry profiles are fairly lengthy, but still printable. Choose PDF Version or Print Friendly from the blue menu at the upper left (arrow).
Once you’ve done so, the database gives you the option of choosing which sectors to print.
QUESTIONS? Olivia Olivares, Assoc. Professor University Library, Miller Center 140E Saint Cloud State University 320/308-4822 CONTACT HOURS: Office hours, Spring 2018 Monday, 2:30 – 4:00 pm Thursday, 2:00 – 4:00 pm At the Reference desk: Tuesdays, 10:00 am – noon Wednesdays, 4:00 – 6:00 pm Reference desk ph.: 320/308-4775 Or just e-mail me to say hi …