Lab Safety Rules to learn by!
Safety Rules You Must Follow!!! 1 - Read and follow all directions exactly as they are written. If in doubt, ask your teacher for help! 2 - Wash your hands before and after each experiment. Keep your hands away from your eyes and mouth. Never eat or drink in a lab. 3 - Always wear safety goggles whenever you are working with heat, chemicals and other substances that might harm your eyes. 4 - Never run (or push someone else) in the lab. No “horseplay” of any kind. This rule applies at all times at Durham! 5 - Immediately notify your teacher if any chemicals get on your table, skin, or clothing to find out what to do to clean it off. 6 - Immediately notify your teacher if you get a cut, burn or other injury when performing an experiment.
Safety Rules You Must Follow!!! 7 - Never reach across a flame or electric burner. 8 - Never smell a chemical directly from the container. Wave your hand over the opening of the container and “waft” the fumes toward your nose. Never taste anything in lab unless the teacher gives permission. 9 - Never mix chemicals (or perform tests) without your teacher’s permission. Ask the teacher how to properly dispose of chemicals. 10 - Keep lids on bottles and containers when not in use. Never use broken or chipped glassware and tell the teacher if it breaks. 11 - Keep your work area clean and keep all materials (clothing, hair, papers, etc.) away from a flame or heat source. No food or drinks allowed during labs. 12 - Always clean up your work area and equipment after an experiment is completed. Return equipment to its proper place.
Signs Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery, Breakin’ my mind. Do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign? For our class we will call signs symbols.
Wear safety goggles, and know where the water fountains are in the classroom in case you need to wash your eye out. Avoid swinging objects, which can cause injury. Avoid directly looking at a light source, as this may cause permanent eye damage.
Wear a laboratory apron to protect your clothing. Tie back long hair, secure clothing and remove loose jewelry to prevent their getting caught in moving parts or coming in contact with chemicals.
Wear latex or nitrile gloves to protect yourself from chemicals in the lab. Use a hot mitt to handle resistors, light sources, and other equipment that may be hot. Allow equipment to cool before handling it and storing it.
When using a Bunsen burner or hot plate, always wear safety goggles and a laboratory apron to protect your eyes and clothing. Tie back long hair, secure loose clothing, and remove loose jewelry. Never leave a hot plate unattended while it is turned on. If your clothing catches fire, walk to the water fountains and splash water on it to put out the fire all while “yelling” for the teacher immediately. Wire coils may heat up rapidly during experiments. If heating occurs, turn off the switch immediately, and handle the equipment with a hot mitt.
Never turn on the electricity until it has been approved by your teacher. Never rewire or adjust anything attached or near a circuit with electricity running through it. Never work with electricity near water; be sure the floor and all work surfaces are dry. If when using a meter and the needles suddenly jumps up really high then turn off the electricity immediately. Light bulbs or wires that are conducting electricity can become very hot. Do not work with batteries, electrical devices, or magnets other than those either provided by your teacher or approved by your teacher.
Use knives and other sharp instruments with extreme care. Do not cut an object while holding it in your hands, place it on a suitable work surface for cutting. Always walk with the knife pointing down toward the ground.
Do not eat or drink anything in the lab. Never taste chemicals Use the wafting method to smell the chemical. If a chemical gets on your skin or clothing or in your eyes, rinse it immediately with water, and alert your teacher immediately. If a chemical is spilled, tell your teacher immediately and do not attempt to clean it up yourself unless the teacher says it is OK to do so.
Handle animals only as directed by your teacher. Always treat animals carefully and with respect. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any animal.
Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any part of a plant.