Question 1 – Medicine paper Thursday, 22 November 2018 Question 1 – Medicine paper Study Sources A and B What do Sources A and B show about changes in the way doctors in England found out about a patient’s health? Explain your answer, using Sources A and B and your own knowledge (8) Always make sure that you underline the key parts of the question. This will help you make sure that you are using the correct sources and are focusing on the question. Also remember to use the sources as well as your own knowledge. This is key to achieving a good mark.
Source A: A urine chart used by a doctor in England in 1364.
“His blood and urine samples were analysed to see how well his kidneys Source B: A woman’s description of her husband’s medical tests in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, in 1981. “His blood and urine samples were analysed to see how well his kidneys were working, and his heart rate was constantly monitored. They also gave him a chest X-ray.”
SENTENCE STARTERS Source A shows that doctors found about a patient’s health in the Middle Ages by …………………………………. Source B shows that doctors in the modern world found about a patient’s health by …………………………… I can guess from Source A that ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. I can guess from Source B that …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… From my own knowledge ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mark scheme Level 1 (1-2 marks) Simple statement = Grades G/F Only ONE source is used. In 1364 doctors only used a urine sample to find out about a patient’s health. Level 2 (3-6 marks) Developed statement = Grades E/D/C/B BOTH sources are used. In 1364 doctors only used a urine sample, whereas in 1981 they took blood and urine samples, heart rate was monitored and a chest x-ray was taken. Level 3 (7-8 marks) Analysis = Grades A/A* BOTH sources are used and OWN KNOWLEDGE. In 1364 doctors did not have the technology to find out about a patient’s health and they did not know what caused illness. In 1981 the doctor has more technology available at his disposal and a greater knowledge of the causes of illness. To get more than 4 marks must include detail from both sources and own knowledge.
What makes a good answer? There are specific references to Sources A and B (quotes and details from sources are used) and own knowledge is used in the explanation of ideas about the Four Humours and the use of technology in the modern period. What are the examiners after? This is a section of answer they would award a Level 3 to – worth the full 8 marks. “These sources show how modern doctors use technology to find out about aspects of the patient’s health which would not be obvious from just observing the patient and the symptoms which is what the medieval doctor did. In the Middle Ages many people believed that illness was caused by an imbalance of the Four Humours, Doctors would observe the patient and study his urine, using a chart like the one shown in Source A to work out which of the humours was out of balance. In Source B understanding of health is based on much more detailed knowledge of the body and the way the organs work. Therefore urine is analysed more scientifically but also technology is being used to monitor various organs, for example x-rays were discovered in 1895 and can show if there is a blockage or if there is a disease affecting the heart or lungs. This means that modern doctors have a better understanding of the patient’s health because it is based on scientific knowledge of what is happening inside the body rather than just the symptoms that can be seen.”