Question 5 – Medicine paper Thursday, 22 November 2018Thursday, 22 November 2018 Question 5 – Medicine paper Why did it take so long for penicillin to be produced in Britain on a large scale? (12 MARKS) You may use the following in your answer. Alexander Fleming Florey and Chain You must also include information of your own. Always make sure that you underline the key parts of the question. This will help you make sure that you are focusing on answering the question only. EXAMINERS TIP: If you use the bullet points in your answer you MUST also include YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE of that particular bullet point to gain the higher marks.
Collect information to find out how penicillin was developed .
PLAN Introduction-Restate the question and state that there were many factors involved in the development of penicillin. Paragraph 1- Fleming’s discovery and its limitations also state why it was not mass produced by him. Paragraph 2- Florey and Chain’s contribution to the development of penicillin and its mass production. Conclusion- Explain why it took a long time to mass produce penicillin.
Mark scheme LEVEL 1 (1-4 marks) Simple statement = Grades G/F Generalised comment with little supporting evidence. Example – Penicillin needed lots of expensive equipment to be mass produced. LEVEL 2 (5-8 marks) Developed statement = Grades E/D/C Describes the work of Fleming in London, or Florey and Chain at Oxford, or describe factor(s) affecting the mass production of penicillin. Example – Describes Fleming’s discovery of penicillin or the work of Florey and Chain; or describes the failure of Fleming’s attempt to get funding and the availability of government funding during the war. MAX 7 MARKS for answers which do not describe additional aspects to those in the bullet points. For example, funds from government. LEVEL 3 (9-12 marks) Analysis = Grades B/A/A* Explains the factors which hindered the mass production of penicillin at an earlier time in Britain and shows how the combination of factors made it possible for penicillin to be mass produced during the Second World War. Example – Explains why Lister or Fleming did not develop penicillin and explains the factors leading to Florey and Chain’s success. MAX 10 MARKS for answers which do not describe additional aspects to those in the bullet points. Eg, the role of government or war.
Resources: Information Cards on Fleming, Florey&Chain and Lister. Copies of slide 2 (A3 or A4)