Creating a New Prescription Based on your position and security you can enter prescriptions directly into PowerChart. Steps to create a Prescription: Select the Orders Tab. Click Add.
Creating a New Prescription The Add Order window will appear. Change the Order Type on the right side of the window to Prescriptions. Search for the prescription using the first few letters of the name in the ‘Find’ field or select from the appropriate prescription folder Click on the prescription name.
Creating a New Prescription In the order sentence window, select the most appropriate sentence, or click None. Click OK. Continue adding prescriptions, as necessary. When finished, click Done. Review the order details for accuracy. In the drop-down above the detail values on the right-side of the screen, indicate the printer where your prescription should be routed and Sign the order. Note: The Dispense window will automatically populate the correct value when you enter the dose in the Dose window and/or the Duration in the Duration window. In the example above a dose of 5ml with the duration of 7 days was included and the system automatically populated that the dispense amount is 105ml.
Creating a New Prescription If you select print, a requisition will print to a designated printer. If you select Do Not Send (Called to Pharmacy), the prescription will be called to pharmacy and the prescription will not print but remain part of the patient’s record. If you select Do Not Send (Samples Given to Patient) Rx, the prescription will not print but remain part of the patient’s record. Samples will be given to the patient. If you select Do Not Send (Other Reason), the prescription will not be printed but remain part of the patients record. Additional comments about the order can be added to the Order Comments tab in the Details window. If you select Pharmacy, the prescription will be electronically routed to the pharmacy that you select. (At the present time, prescriptions will not be routed electronically).
Reprinting a Prescription A prescription can be reprinted from the PowerOrders tab or the Medications tab in the patient’s chart. Right click on the prescription and select ‘Resend’ from the options. Do Not re-order the prescription just to reprint it!
Prescription in PowerOrders The status of Prescribed will display on the Orders Profile and Medication History for signed prescriptions.
Prescription Reminders & Tips Creating Prescription Order Favorites is a convenient feature that speeds up the ordering process by having common orders readily available. Use the pre-built favorites when possible. Otherwise, type the drug name and search For additional information about creating order favorites refer to the ED Physician’s manual located on KDnet
Prescription Reminders & Tips Directions must include dose, route of administration and frequency. Any other comments should go in the “Special Instructions” field. The “Order Comments” do not print on the prescription. Complete either “duration” or “dispense quantity.” Use the dosing calculator to help ensure appropriate dosing. Make sure to tell the patient “when” to start the prescription (if not starting today) Make sure to use a PRN indication if applicable (Lortab, albuterol, etc.) The “Type of Therapy” should always be “Acute”. When writing controlled prescriptions make sure “Yes” is selected for “Print DEA Number”
Prescription Reminders & Tips Normally, no refills are given so that the patient can follow up with their PCP. Review the prescription once printed to make sure it is correct and don’t forget to sign the prescription under substitution permitted. Place the script on the patient’s chart so the RN can give it to the patient upon discharge. Alternatively, you can give the prescription to the pharmacist for review, and so they can do medication teaching with the family. Use an appropriate reference – Lexi-comp is the best reference for pediatric dosing and to look up dosing forms. Epocrates is NOT an appropriate reference for pediatric dosing. Verify strength and dosage forms with the ED pharmacist to ensure accessibility for patients. When prescribing liquid medications, please round to the nearest whole number for ease of measurement.
Questions? When in doubt, check with the ED pharmacists! They are available every day 2pm-midnight! Their phone number is 668-5456.
This concludes the Prescriptions Lesson You are now ready to proceed to the Next Lesson