Connect 2 Reconnect
What is “Connect 2 Reconnect” A South England Conference initiative, as part of Evangelism, Everyone, Everywhere, to connect with former and inactive members in order to reconnect them to Jesus and His church.
How many former and Inactive members do you know?
Connect 2 Reconnect
Phase 1 – Awareness & Education EVERY church carries out a statistical analysis of its membership. Each member will be coded under one of the following categories: A = Attends church at least once a month B = Unable to attend church due to age or disability C = Away from home at university etc. D = Moved away but have not requested transfer of membership E = Resides overseas F = No contact details are available G = None of the above, but no longer attends church
Phase 1 – Awareness & Education Every attending member needs to understand and own the problem. Information and spiritual campaign help to better understand the issue. Following the statistical analysis, every church compiles a list of their missing and inactive members. Also compiles a list of non-members and friends who once attended church on a regular basis, supported the church and took an active part in church life, but no longer attend.
Phase 2 – Training Every church should create a: RMT - “Reclaiming Ministries Team” The team will be trained in: How can we reach them? Which methods are the most effective? Why do some stay and others leave? What do you say to a missing member?
Prayer 15th
Prayer 15th of every month throughout the year: Why the 15th? “Reconnecting Day of Prayer.” Why the 15th? Luke Chapter 15 – parables of three lost things: a sheep a coin a son In the parables, all were found then, and all can be found now!
Phase 3 – Reach Out 2 Reconnect Visit and do survey with them Start studies, fellowship, small groups Invite to the Reconnecting Sabbath
Reconnecting Sabbath A special Sabbath designed to provide an optimum experience Held on the same Sabbath each year Advertised on social media
Reconnecting Sabbath Direct mail, text and phone call invitations Members will be sensitive. No one will ask them, “Where have you been?” “Script” Sabbath School and worship Well planned and abundant fellowship lunch
Reconnecting Sabbath During the service offer multiple opportunities for reconnecting members to take the next step.
Phase 4 – Super Glue the Reconnect The church develops next-step plans to follow the Reconnecting Sabbath. How will you make the reconnection permanent?
Phase 4 – Super Glue the Reconnect Start a new sermon series on Reconnecting Sabbath. Hand out a flyer or postcard to everyone to promote the continuing series. Develop a special Sabbath School class for reconnecting members. Offer Bible studies. Focus on the gospel before moving to doctrinal studies.
Phase 4 – Super Glue the Reconnect Include returnees in small groups. These groups do not need to be study groups. They can be fellowship groups, task groups, etc.
Connect 2 Reconnect Timeline Sept. ’17 – Jan. ’18 Phase 1. Awareness /Education Membership Statistical Analysis Phase 2. Training 27 January 2018 Conference wide Year of Reclamation Launch Day January – March 2018 Phase 3. Reach Out 2 Reconnect April /May 2018 Reconnection Sabbath April – Dec. 18 Phase 4. Super Glue the Connection