AASHTO Freight Update WRDA, PRIIA and MAP-21 Chris Smith Intermodal Policy and Program Manager American Association of State Highway and Transportation.


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Presentation transcript:

AASHTO Freight Update WRDA, PRIIA and MAP-21 Chris Smith Intermodal Policy and Program Manager American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2013 AASHTO ANNUAL MEETING SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC EXPANSION DENVER, CO FRIDAY 18 OCTOBER 2013


Freight Agenda in the 113 th Congress WRDA PRIIA MAP-21

WRRDA in the House "Producing a WRDA bill is going to be a challenge because members of Congress can no longer specifically request projects that they know will have significance to the national economy, but I'm determined to find a way to address those priorities as we move forward It will be up to lawmakers and industry to educate citizens about why the federal government should be investing in water infrastructure…one of the least understood modes of transportation.

Current State of Play WRDA Authorization S. 601 passed Process Reform HMTF Addressed House bill passed T&I Committee. Floor time expected in October NO EARMARKS

Whats Next Continue MAP-21 Implementation Advocacy Many States already integrating marine networks Comments filed on Interim Guidance for State Freight Plans National Freight Network Conditions and Performance Report Continue support of Marine Highway Designations and Services

FY 2014 Requests House and Senate > President Both call for $ 1 Billion in HMTF HMTF vs IWF and Spending Rules

Status Quo FY 2013 Army Corps Appropriations Funds O&M$ Billion Construction$ Billion Other$ BillionGENERAL FUND79% TOTAL$ BillionHARBOR MAINTENANCE 17.9% SEQUESTRATIONINLAND2% O&M$ Billion Construction$ Billion Other$ Billion TOTAL$ Billion

FY 2013 Budget Expired on October 1st House CR extends until December 15 Senate has not passed CR CR would maintain Sequestration levels

HR 3080: WRRDA 2013 Increases investment in Marine Transportation System (MTS) o Authorizes 23 new projects; modifies 3 existing projects Improves flexibility for non-federal interests to: o Move authorized studies and projects forward o Expedite evaluation and processing of permits o Finance up to 15 projects Creates conditions for successful project delivery by: o Setting hard deadlines on the time and cost of studies o Consolidating or eliminating duplicative or unnecessary studies o Streamlining environmental reviews

HR 3080S 601 Authorizations 23 projects referred to Congress Annual report to determine authorization priorities in future water resources development legislation Projects referred to Congress after November 8, 2007 (enactment of WRDA 2007), but prior to date of enactment. Modifications Port of Miami (to completion) Little Calumet River Basin (to completion) Olmsted Lock and Dam (5 years) Projects meeting criteria, having already received appropriation, and accompanied by report justifying higher costs. Deauthorizations $12 billion in inactive projects (not begun construction or received funds for 5 years) 15 active projects Any new project if construction not started after 7 years Establishes independent commission to recommend Corps projects for deauthorization. Program Reforms & Streamlining Feasibility studies conform to 3x3x3 rule3 year max, $3 million max, 3 levels of concurrent review Permanent authority allowing funds from non-federal public interests to expedite processing of permits Consolidates studies; removes duplicative cost analysis More efficient environmental review process: o Implementation guidance o Coordinated or concurrent review o Jurisdictional or lead agencies o Deadlines Feasibility studies conform to 3x3x3 rule 3 year max, $3 million max, 3 levels of concurrent review Permanent authority allowing funds from non-federal public interests to expedite processing of permits Pilot program allowing non-federal interests to carry out feasibility studies and increase hours of lock operation More efficient environmental review process: o Implementation guidance o Coordinated or concurrent review o Jurisdictional or lead agencies o Deadlines

HR 3080S 601 Inland Waterways Project delivery reforms: o Certified managers o Risk-based cost estimates o Improved designs Increases cost-share for Olmsted Lock and Dam to 75% federal – 25% inland waterway trust fund Project delivery reforms: o Certified managers o Risk-based cost estimates o Improved designs Increases cost-share threshold for major rehabilitation projects to $20 million Increases cost-share for Olmsted Lock and Dam to 100% federal Harbor Maintenance 80% min usage of HMTF by 2020 Expanded usage for dredging and dredged materials 10% on ports less than 1 million tons Full usage of HMTF by 2020 Prioritizes high-use, deep-draft and Great Lakes System Expanded usage for donor and energy transfer ports 10% on ports havent received funding for 5 years Innovative Financing Pilot program allowing non-federal interests to finance 15 authorized water resource projects $250 million WIFIA program for water resources projects and water/wastewater infrastructure

AASHTO Bottom Line Reports

AASHTO commissioned this report because the navigable waterways in 38 of the 50 states provide substantial economic benefits to the entire United States… State DOTs recognize the significant role the nations marine transportation assets play in terms of freight mobility as well as recognize the adverse effects for highways should waterborne freight be diverted… Waterborne Freight Bottom Line Report

Highway National Freight Network Primary Network: 27,000 centerline miles + Interstate Highway segments not already part of Critical Rural Freight Corridors National Freight Strategic Plan and Policy National Freight Advisory Committee tasked with recommendations to USDOT State Freight Plans encouraged 95/5 Interstate and 90/10 highway Federal match for eligible Freight Projects in State Freight Plans; Indiana DOT has already accomplished Truck Parking; Truck Size & Weight; Emergency Permits MAP-21 Freight Provisions

Rail No rail title; certain eligibilities for rail retained Sec. 130 dedicated funding for Rail Crossing/Safety Projects retained Awaiting PRIIA 2013 Marine Sense of the Congress on Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Certain marine-landside connection eligibilities Awaiting WRDA 2013 Passed Senate House WRRDA expected to be released in days

MAP-21 Freight Provisions Performance Management -New freight performance measures -USDOT Conditions and Performance Report Projects of National and Regional Significance TIFIA Research National Freight Cooperative Research Program deauthorized

PRIIA State Rail Planning Mandate State cost share for Passenger Rail Long Distance Trains