Welcome to Mrs. Campbell’s 5th & 6th Grade Class Kerr Elementary
Mrs. Campbell My name is Lourie Campbell. I am the 5th/6th Grade teacher here at Kerr Elementary. Let me start by sharing some professional information about myself. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education K-8. I am Highly Qualified to teach Social Studies as well. I also have a Structured English Immersion Endorsement in addition to my Arizona Teaching License. I began my teaching career as a Pre-K teacher in 1997.
Mrs. Campbell I graduated from Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus with a BA in Elementary Education. After graduation I taught Social Studies and Science at Combs Middle School for three years. I transferred to Ranch Elementary and faithfully taught there for three years. I taught 3rd Grade in Higley and last year I taught 5th and 6th grade at Lowell Elementary.
Mrs. Campbell As for my personal life, I am a wife and mother and am originally from Phoenix, AZ. I am also one of six children and have always been around children. I have made the education of children my life’s work. My family currently lives in the East Valley. We live in Northern Pennsylvania during the summer and breaks from school. My hobbies include working out every day, reading books, and photography.
Our Daily Schedule
Our Daily Routine 7:40-7:55 Breakfast/Morning Meeting Math 7:55-8:25 Specials 8:30-10:00 ELA 10:00-11:00 Math 11:10-11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:55-Writing 1:15=2:15 Science/Social Studies Early Release Wednesday 1:45 PM
What I expect from your child
Outstanding Attendance & Citizenship Maintain outstanding attendance throughout the school year Reinforce positive behavior at home and at school *Refer to school guidelines Child must be well-prepared with proper attire, materials for learning and come to school ready to learn. Your child is to wear appropriate school attire Teamwork between teacher, parent, and student is the key to your child’s success.
Effective Work Habits & Academics Always be fully aware of what your child is learning in the classroom. Homework is to be completed neatly and turned in on time every day(M-Th). Agenda is required to be checked and signed by the parent every week, I will check for signatures every Friday Parent Notices are sent home regarding student progress and achievement.
Rewards and Incentives Positive Feedback A positive call home/email Character Counts Jar Student of the Week Treasure Box Team Points Class Points Teacher’s Assistant Lunch with Mrs. Campbell Reward Time Fridays Access to Mrs. Campbell’s Library
Parent Volunteers Needed Grading papers Reading group facilitators Field trip supervision Fundraiser events Classroom parties Collecting materials for arts & craft projects
Kerr Elementary Mrs. Campbell’s Telephone: (480) 472-5139 Email:lacampbell@mpsaz.org Please visit my webpage for pertinent information: http://www.mpsaz.org/kerr/staff/lacampbell
Let’s work as a team and have a great school year! Sincerely, Mrs. Campbell