Lécole en France
School Levels École maternelle (preschool) : 3 à 5 ans École élémentaire (Elementary School): 6 à 11 ans
School Levels Le collège (Middle School/Jr. High): 11 à 14 ans Grade levels (descending order: 6e, 5e, 4e, 3e) Le lycée (High School): 15 à 17ans Grade levels (2nd, 1ere, Terminale) Luniversité (College): 18+ ans
The School Week in France Monday (lundi) Tuesday (mardi) 1/2 day Wednesday (mercredi) Thursday (jeudi) Friday (vendredi) 1/2 day Saturday (samedi)
Many have switched to: Monday (lundi) Tuesday (mardi) Wednesday (mercredi) Thursday (jeudi)
The School Day Maternelle (preschool) 9h à 16h30 Elémentaire (elementary) 8h45 à 16h30 Collège & Lycée (jr high & high school) 8h30 à 17h
Les vacances La Toussaint 1.5 weeks at the end of Oct/beginning of November Noël 2 weeks for Christmas Hiver 2 weeks winter break (mid-February) Printemps 2 weeks spring break (mid-April) Été 2 months early July to early September
Les 3 zones
Grading System Scale of : adequate 12-13: passable 14-15: good 16: excellent 17: outstanding, have mastered the class 18-19: nearing perfection 20: perfect
Grades continued… Grades of are RARE. 17 out of 20 = 85%… this means that students are happy to get an 85%! Teachers read the grades aloud in class as they pass back papers.
Other differences: LE BAC Le Bac A huge written and oral exam at the end of high school MUST pass to GET IN to college & also to get your diploma
High School Sports They do not have high school teams, only Club teams
Number of school days They go to school 160 days out of the year (we go to school 180 days out of the year)… this means they go 4 weeks less than we do!
During summer vacation 60% of French students take a cahier de vacances with them on vacation. Do you do anything for school over the summer? (and is it by choice, not something assigned by a teacher?)
School Lunch Costs Euros (about $2.50) Includes: Appetizer/ salad Main course Cheese Dessert
Length of Lunch 2 hours at every school, from 12-2pm During this time, students can: Go home Eat at the school cafeteria Go to a café or restaurant with friends
University Tuition College in the USA can cost $10,000- $50,000, not including books, living expenses, food, etc. In France, college is between Euros a year. This is about $200-$500. (The government/taxes pays for most of it.)