With Your Host... Mrs. T.
Wacky Bug Bits Insect Trivia Domains Structure & Function Orders Arthropods 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Insect eyes that detect motion Question Number One A Insect eyes that detect motion A 100
Correct Response One A What are compound eyes? A 100
Question Number Two A Name for fly larvae A 200
Correct Response Two A What are maggots? A 200
Question Number Three A Tiny beetle helping with Cancer Research
Correct Response Three A What is a firefly? A 300
Question Number Four A milkweed A 400
Correct Response Four A What is the food of Monarch Larvae?
Dumb King Phillip can only find green socks~! Question Number Five A Dumb King Phillip can only find green socks~! A 500
Correct Response Five A What are Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species? A 500
Means ancient and lives in extreme environments Question Number One B Means ancient and lives in extreme environments B 100
Correct Response One B What is Archaea? B 100
Domain similar to Archaea, but not as extreme? Question Number Two B Domain similar to Archaea, but not as extreme? B 200
Correct Response Two B What is Bacteria? B 200
Question Number Three B My cells contain Nuclei
Correct Response Three B What are Eukaryotes? B 300
I am the only group that can mate and have offspring. Question Number Four B I am the only group that can mate and have offspring. B 400
Correct Response Four B What is Species? B 400
Question Number Five B 4 Kingdoms of Eukarya B 500
Correct Response Five B What are Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals
Question Number One C Number of insect legs C 100
Correct Response One C What is 6? C 100
Breathing holes in the sides of insects Question Number Two C Breathing holes in the sides of insects C 200
Correct Response Two C What are spiracles? C 200
Question Number Three C Kind of mouth parts every True Bug has
Correct Response Three C What is Piercing Sucking?
Claws, antennae, wings, legs, Question Number Four C Claws, antennae, wings, legs, C 400
Correct Response Four C What are appendages? C 400
The 4 identifying characteristics of all insects Question Number Five C The 4 identifying characteristics of all insects C 500
Correct Response Five C Six legs 2. Antennae 3.Exoskeleton 4. Three body parts C 500
Small orangeish red beetle with spots Question Number One D Small orangeish red beetle with spots D 100
Correct Response One D What is a lady bug? D 100
Question Number Two D Lepidoptera D 200
What is the order of Butterflies and Moths? Correct Response Two D What is the order of Butterflies and Moths? D 200
Question Number Three D Bees, ants, and wasps D 300
Correct Response Three D What is Hymenoptera? D 300
Question Number Four D Beetles D 400
Correct Response Four D What is Coleoptera? D 400
Crickets, Grasshoppers Question Number Five D Crickets, Grasshoppers D 500
Correct Response Five D Orthoptera D 500
Meaning of the name arthropod Question Number One E Meaning of the name arthropod E 100
Correct Response One E Jointed foot E 100
This class of Arthropods is made up of spiders, ticks, and mites. Question Number Two E This class of Arthropods is made up of spiders, ticks, and mites. E 200
What is the Class of Arachnids? Correct Response Two E What is the Class of Arachnids? E 200
Question Number Three E Class in Arthopoda that has many, many, many legs! E 300
Correct Response Three E What are centipedes and millipedes?
Name 3 types of crustaceans. Question Number Four E Name 3 types of crustaceans. E 400
Correct Response Four E Crabs, shrimp, lobster E 400
Name all 4 classes in the phylum Arthropoda Question Number Five E Name all 4 classes in the phylum Arthropoda E 500
Correct Response Five E What are Crustaceans, arachnids, centipedes & millipedes, and Insects. E 500
You may be bigger than me and stronger than me, but even 2 weeks in a freezer doesn’t always do me in! F 100
What is a cockroach? F 100
Your mother might tell you not to act like this, but in the insect world we are harmful.
What are pests? F 200
Name a producer a human eats, and a decomposer that might eat a human. F 300
What is (any plant) / what are maggots, bacteria, certain beetles? F 300
World shortage of fruits & veggies Newsflash: World shortage of fruits & veggies World littered with waste and decaying bodies. Less flowers, plants and crops oh my! What has happened? F 400
What is a world without insects? F 400
Hey, we might be really old dead dudes, but we are responsible for organizing a bazillion living organisms. F 500
Who are Aristotle and Linnaeus? F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: It’s a Bug’s Life Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Final Jeopardy Question Stages of Complete Metamorphosis & Incomplete Metamorphosis Click on screen to continue
Correct Final Jeopardy Response Complete = egg, larvae, pupa, adult Incomplete = egg, nymph, adult Click on screen to continue
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