Leveling Intro to Leveling
Why do we level? To determine elevation with respect to an imaginary level surface (geoid) Leveling allows you to tie the depths acquired with the sonar to the geoid Vertical control is established to provide a basic framework for large mapping projects, to establish new vertical control in remote areas, or to further densify existing vertical control in an area. The purpose of vertical control surveys is to establish elevations at convenient points over the project area. These established points (benchmarks) can then serve as points of departure and closure for leveling operations and as reference benchmarks during subsequent construction work. The NGS, NOS, USGS, other Federal agencies, and many USACE commands have established vertical control throughout the CONUS. Unless otherwise directed, these benchmarks will be used as a basis for all vertical control surveys. Descriptions of benchmark data and their published elevation values can be found in data holdings issued by the agency maintaining the circuit.
Equipment Level – An instrument used for measuring vertical distances With differential leveling, differences in elevation are measured with respect to a horizontal line of sight established by the leveling instrument. Once the instrument is leveled (using either a spirit bubble or automated compensator), its line of sight lies a horizontal plane. Leveling comprises a determination of the difference in height between a known elevation and the instrument and the difference in height from the instrument to an unknown point by measuring the vertical distance with 3-wire level – stadia hairs allow you to calculate horizontal distance. The substadia lines in instruments meant for three wire leveling are short cross lines that cannot be mistaken for the long central line used for ordinary leveling Crosshairs used to be spiderweb a precise or semi-precise level and leveling rods. http://www.du.edu/~jcalvert/astro/stadia.htm
Compensated level Allows level to work correctly if not perfectly level Easily damaged
Level rod A long brightly painted rod, accurately calibrated in metric units (or feet and inches), used for obtaining elevations and stadia measurements of distance in mapping with a major surveying instrument.
Leveling terminology Backsight - reading on a rod that is held on a point whose elevation has been previously determined Foresight - reading on a rod that is held at a point whose elevation is to be determined 1 2 3 1 2 3 BM A BM B
Leveling terminology cont. Turning point - a temporary point whose elevation is determined by additions and subtractions of backsights and foresights respectively. 1 2 3 1 2 3 BM B 1 2 3 BM A
Leveling terminology cont. Bust – Error is outside of tolerance for comparison of the forward run to the backward run Blunder – Gross error caused by human mistake Thread Interval- Difference between upper thread and middle thread, lower thread and middle thread Thread error- Inaccurate reading of rod resulting in greater than 2mm difference between thread interval
11 10 09 08 SAMPLE ROD READING TOP THREAD = MIDDLE THREAD = BOTTOM THREAD = 0937 0892 0848 1048 1003 0960 1162 1118 1072 11 10 This method can be used for most types of leveling work and will achieve any practical level of accuracy. Three wire leveling can be applied if the reticule of the level has stadia lines and substadia that are spaced so that the stadia intercept is 0.3 foot at 100 feet, rather than the more typical 1.0 feet at 100 feet. The substadia lines in instruments meant for three wire leveling are short cross lines that cannot be mistaken for the long central line used for ordinary leveling. the rod is read at each of the three lines and the average is used for the final result. Before each reading, the level bubble is centered. The half-stadia intervals are compared to check for blunders. 09 Note: Tread interval from top to middle = 45 and middle to bottom = 43. Ideally, the thread intervals should be equal, however this seldom occurs in the field. Thread intervals for 3rd order levels should match within 2 therefore, this would be an acceptable reading. 08
Importance of balancing 3 – 3 = 0 1 2 3 BM 1 2 3 BM Also important for collimation Distance X Distance Y Distance X
Bird’s eye view of a standard level run Backward Run Forward Run -5 +5 SPUR SPUR -5 +5 +2 +2 -4 Most level operations require a line of sight less than 300 or 400 feet long The leveling operation consists of holding a rod vertically on a point of known elevation. A level reading is then made through the telescope on the rod, known as a backsight (BS), which gives the vertical distance from the ground elevation to the line of sight. By adding this backsight reading to the known elevation, the line of sight elevation, called "height of instrument" (HI), is determined. Another rod is place on a point of unknown elevation, and a foresight (FS) reading is taken. By subtracting the FS reading from the height of instrument, the elevation of the new point is established. After the foresight is completed, the rod remains on that point and the instrument and back rod are moved to forward positions. The instrument is set up approximately midway between the old and new rod positions. The new sighting on the back rod is a backsight for a new HI, and the sighting on the front rod is a FS for a new elevation. The points on which the rods are held for foresights and backsights are called "turning points." Other foresights made to points not along the main line are known as "sideshots." This procedure is used as many times as necessary to transfer a point of known elevation to another distant point of unknown elevation -2 -2 -3 +4 +3
Bird’s eye view of a “RAINIER” level run Backward Run Forward Run -5 +5 SPUR SPUR -5 +5 +2 +2 -4 Most level operations require a line of sight less than 300 or 400 feet long The leveling operation consists of holding a rod vertically on a point of known elevation. A level reading is then made through the telescope on the rod, known as a backsight (BS), which gives the vertical distance from the ground elevation to the line of sight. By adding this backsight reading to the known elevation, the line of sight elevation, called "height of instrument" (HI), is determined. Another rod is place on a point of unknown elevation, and a foresight (FS) reading is taken. By subtracting the FS reading from the height of instrument, the elevation of the new point is established. After the foresight is completed, the rod remains on that point and the instrument and back rod are moved to forward positions. The instrument is set up approximately midway between the old and new rod positions. The new sighting on the back rod is a backsight for a new HI, and the sighting on the front rod is a FS for a new elevation. The points on which the rods are held for foresights and backsights are called "turning points." Other foresights made to points not along the main line are known as "sideshots." This procedure is used as many times as necessary to transfer a point of known elevation to another distant point of unknown elevation -2 -2 -3 +4 +3
Sample Level Run UNBALANCED BM B is 1 m below BM A _ BS 2 FS 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 TP _ TP BS 1 FS 3 1 2 3 The difference in elevation = 0 + (-2) + 1 = -1 m _ What is the difference in elevation between BM A and BM B? BS 2 FS 1 1 2 3 BM B is 1 m below BM A Distance X1 Distance X1 Distance X2 BM A BM B Difference in Elevation = -2 m Distance X2 Distance X3 Distance X3 Distance Y Distance X3 Difference in Elevation = +1 m UNBALANCED
Collimation Collimation – the accuracy of the alignment of the optics of the level. Poor collimation will result in gross errors and possibly a bust. 1 2 3 No instrument is perfectly aligned. to determine, against a standard of accuracy, whether the instrument is properly adjusted; and to compute a factor to correct balanced and unbalanced setups
Kukkamaki setup Allow instruments to acclimate to ambient temperature for at least 10 minutes!! 1 2 3 1 2 3 10m 20m 10m 20m
) ) ) ) ) Paper Kukkamaki - Collimation Check Kukkamaki 3rd 1 sum 3 ) mm BS1 sum 3 ) mm FS1 C = ( h1 - h2 ) - 0.2 mm 20 m 1 BS1 - FS1 = h1 BS2 - FS2 = h2 where 2 sum 3 ) mm BS2 sum 3 ) mm FS2 10 m ROD 1 ROD 2 SET UP 1 BS 1 FS 1 20 m SET UP 2 BS 2 FS 2 KUKKAMAKI COURSE & SET UPS ) = Difference h = Height BS = Backsight FS = Foresight C = Collimation Error Instrument SN: Rod SN: Party Chief: Observer: Recorder: Rod Person:
) : 2 1929 Kahului 161 5680 1 1 No 9 196 11/24/98 Difference < 30 161 5680 1 1 2 1929 No 9 196 11/24/98 Difference < 30 1724 1654 1583 Difference < 2 1620 1548 1477 1 2 1653.7 + 1553.7 3207.4 mm 70 71 75 73 1548.3 + 1569.3 3117.6 mm 72 71 80 79 1) Sum all thread readings in BS column. 2) Sum all thread readings in FS column. 3) BS - FS 4) Divide by 3 5) Convert to meters DE Computation 4961 mm 141 mm + 148 mm 289 mm 4645 mm 143 mm + 159 mm 302 mm 1628 1553 1480 1649 1569 1490 + 4661 mm + 4708 mm BS 9622 mm FS 9353 mm BS - FS = 9.622 m - 9.353 m 3.2074 m - 3.1176 m 0.08980 m 0.289 m + 0.302 m 0.591 m x 333 196.803 m 1000 0.196 km Distance Computation 1) Sum all THREAD INTERVALS. 2) Multiply by the Instruments Stadia. 3) Convert to Km. Tip for Quick Mean 0.269 m ) 1 = + 0.3 mm 2 = + 0.7 mm Top Interval > Bottom Interval, then add to Middle Hair Top Interval < Bottom Interval, then subtract from Middle Hair 3 Stadia 0.08966 m : check - (FORWARD RUN + BACKWARD RUN) 0.0897 m - 0.0907 m 0.0010 m 0.20 km Always use smallest distance
1668 1592 1518 4778 mm 1612 1542 1471 4625 mm 1722 1716 1711 5149 mm 1692 1612 1532 4836 mm 1562 1489 1417 4468 mm 1664 1659 1653 4976 mm 9 10 11 1612.0 mm + 1489.3 mm + 1658.7 mm 4760.0 mm 80 73 72 5 6 1592.7 mm + 1541.7 mm + 1716.3 mm 4850.7 mm 76 74 70 71 6 5 160 mm + 145 mm + 11 mm 316 mm 150 mm + 141 mm + 11 mm 302 mm + + 14280.0 mm 14552.0 mm BS - FS = 14.280 m - 14.552 m 0.272 m 3 - 0.09067 m 4.7600 - 4.8507 - 0.0907 m 0.316 m + 0.302 m 0.618 m x 333 205.784 m 1000 0.205 km ) Stadia check )
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