Feedback on Tests
Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to: Identify the need for feedback Write effective feedback for test items
Quiz Q1. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with more than a thousand islands. How many islands does it contain? 15,780 17,508 18,705 10,857 Q2. What is the height of Mt. Everest? As a learner, how do you feel? What would you prefer?
What is Feedback? Learners want to know how they have done in a test. Feedback lets the learner know: Whether their answer was correct The correct answer
Quiz Feedback: Oops, that’s incorrect! The correct number is 17, 508. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with more than a thousand islands. How many islands does it contain? 15,780 17,508 18,705 10,857 Feedback: Oops, that’s incorrect! The correct number is 17, 508.
Purpose of feedback It tells learners how well they have done in the test It helps correct misunderstandings. It can be used to teach. It motivates learners
How to Write feedback Provide complete information. Show learners: The question The learner’s answer Correct or Incorrect. The correct answer and why it is right. Screen grab of good example
Feedback for Correct Answers Say ‘Correct’ or Right’. Briefly state why the answer is correct.
Feedback with No Explanation
Feedback for Correct Answer: 1
Feedback for Correct Answer: 2
Feedback for incorrect answers Be neutral but encouraging. Do not insult the learner. Say ‘Incorrect, ‘Sorry’ or ‘Not quite.’ Give the correct answer. Briefly explain why the answer is correct. Note: You can design the test to allow the learner to try again or give a hint.
Feedback for Incorrect answers
Feedback allowing Retry
When should feedback be given? Feedback can either be: Immediate After each question Delayed At the end of all questions
Immediate feedback Advantages Feels like fun and games Misconceptions can be corrected before they become reinforced Questions related to the misunderstanding are not missed Disadvantages Test takes longer because students have to read the feedback. Learners do not get a global picture of their mistakes
Delayed Feedback Advantages Test is shorter because learners do not have to keep reading the feedback Learners do not keep reading the same feedback again and again Learners get a global picture of their mistakes and see the pattern of errors Disadvantages Like a school test! If the content is misunderstood, the learner will get all the questions on the concept wrong.
Summary Giving effective feedback Feedback harus: Jelas Konstruktif Membantu user untuk meningkatkan diri