I . Introduction During the 12th Conference of EAHC, it was proposed to establish the East Asia Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group. EAHC SC3 agreed that ROK will lead the working group. ROK participated in the IHO MSDIWG8 in February 2017 in Vancouver, Canada and reported the plan for establishing the East Asia Hydrographic Commission MSDIWG and its draft Terms of Reference. The IHO MSDIWG requested ROK to report its activities at every meeting.
II . DISCUSSION ROK requested EAHC MSs to nominate members of the EAHC MSDIWG and seven MSs replied. The current list of members is in Annex 1. ROK prepared the Terms of Reference of the WG in Annex 2.
Mr. Abdul Malik Hj Abdul Hamid ANNEX 1. Members of EAHC MSDI WG Nation Position Name Republic of Korea Chair Mr. Jung Hyun KIM Japan Vice Chair - Member Mr. Jang Hyun AN Philippines Lt. Romel Correa Indonesia Cdr. Qisthi Amarona Lt. Andry Novianto Mr. Takeharu Miyake Thailand Cdr. Rachot Osiri China Mr. Dongli Sun Brunei Mr. Abdul Malik Hj Abdul Hamid Malaysia Singapore DPRK Vietnam
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Objective Support activities of the Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) and Marine Spatial Data Center of the East Asia Hydrograpic Commission (EAHC) and its Member States. 2. Authority This Working Group (WG) is a subsidiary of the EAHC. Its work is subject to EAHC’s approval.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE 3. Procedures The WG should: a) Monitor regional MSDI and Data Center activities and present information on those activities to the WG members by correspondence and at the annual meeting. b) Promote the use of IHO standards and Member States’ marine data in SDI and Data Center activities.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE c) Liaise, as appropriate, with IHO and EAHC Member States, to increase the visibility and joint availability of marine spatial data. d) Propose any Technical and/or Administrative Resolutions that may be required to reflect WG’s involvement in support of MSDI. e) Identify actions and procedures that the WG might take to contribute to the development of MSDI and Data Center in support of its members.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE f) Consider MSDI policies within the related international projects (e.g. e-navigation, S-100, marine spatial planning and Marine Strategy Framework). g) Identify any EAHC capacity building requirements on MSDI.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE h) Work by correspondence and use meetings or workshops only if required. When meetings are scheduled, and in order to allow any WG submissions and reports to be submitted to the EAHC Steering Committee on time, WG meetings should not normally occur later than five weeks before a meeting of the EAHC. i) Submit a report annually to the EAHC Steering Committee or EAHC Conference.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE 4. Composition and Chairmanship a) The WG shall comprise representatives of EAHC Member States. b) Member States who are not members of the WG may indicate their willingness to participate at any time. A membership list shall be maintained and confirmed annually.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE c) The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be representatives of Member States. The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair should normally be decided at the EAHC Steering Committee Meeting and, in such case, shall be determined by vote of the Member States present and voting. d) Decisions should generally be made by consensus. If votes are required on issues or to endorse proposals presented to the WG, only Member States may cast a vote. Votes shall be on the basis of one vote per Member State represented. In the event that votes are required between meetings or in the absence of meetings, including for elections of the Chair and Vice-Chair, this shall be achieved through a postal ballot of those Member States on the current membership list.
ANNEX 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE e) If a secretary is required it should normally be drawn from a member of the WG. f) If the Chair is unable to carry out the duties of the office, the Vice-Chair shall act as the Chair with the same powers and duties. g) All members shall inform the Chair in advance of their intention to attend any meetings of the WG.
IV . Action Required of SC 1. Following the cases of the Baltic Sea North Sea MSDIWG (BSNSMSDIWG) and Arctic Regional MSDIWG (ARMSDIWG), ROK proposes to name the WG as East Asia MSDIWG (EAMSDIWG). 2. MSs are invited to adopt the Terms of Reference of EA Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (EAMSDIWG).
Thank you