Welcome to Somerville Primary School
A Federation of Somerville Primary and Somerville Nursery Schools
The Foundation Stage Staff Mr Forber – Executive Headteacher Mrs Parry – Deputy Headteacher Mrs Kell – Assistant Head Nursery School Mrs Speight & Miss Higby Assistant Headteachers Mrs Morris – Early Years Lead Teacher Mrs Evans – F2 Teacher Mrs Muspratt – F2 Teacher Mrs Delisle – F2 Teacher Mr Williams – F2 Senior Teacher Miss Crampton – School Inclusion Manager Mrs Holland -SENCo
Welcome Pack Letter of Introduction Starting School Booklet School Prospectus Permission forms- Pupil Premium. General Information e.g. uniform, useful tips, comments from Inspectors, helping your child with maths & literacy, out of school club and school meals etc.
Starting School Morning sessions are 8:55 am till 11:30 am. All the children will start school on a part-time basis. This allows staff to get to know each child personally. The new academic year begins on: Tuesday 4Th September 4th-14th September – Mornings or Afternoons 17th -21st September ALL children in school every morning, stay for lunch and be picked up by 1:30pm. Morning sessions are 8:55 am till 11:30 am. Afternoon sessions are 12:45pm till 3:15pm.
We will find out what the children already know & can do The first few weeks -Baseline We will find out what the children already know & can do We would value any contributions you would like to make in helping us get to know your child’s needs. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress & adjustment to school within the first term.
Uniform Please find a list of required uniform in your Welcome pack. PLEASE REMEMBER TO NAME EVERYTHING Please spend some time to teach your child how to dress and undress independently. School shoes must be black.
Lunchtime arrangements Children in F2 receive a free school meal. School dinners are a choice between a hot meal or a sandwich with a choice of fillings. Each meal has a choice of pudding and a drink (see details in pack). School Lunch is eaten in the hall.
Packed Lunch Please think carefully about what you put in your child’s lunch box. We are a healthy eating school and so we ask that you provide a balanced meal with NO CHOCOLATE or FIZZY DRINKS Make sure they like what you have provided. Maybe you could prepare your child's lunch box together.
Water bottles We encourage the children to be healthy and drink water throughout the day. A NAMED water bottle should come to school daily with fresh water. NO squash or flavoured water please!!
Snack Time All children will be provided with one piece of fruit everyday. All children will have milk provided, this is subsidised by the school.
What is the Foundation Stage? The Foundation Stage is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning and that every child is a unique child.
The curriculum is organised into 7 areas of learning and development: 3 Prime areas of learning... Communication and language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development 4 Specific areas through which the prime areas are developed and supported... 1. Literacy 2. Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design
Cursive Handwriting At school, your child will learn to write in a cursive handwriting style. When you come to visit on 5th of July we will give your child their name card. Please help them to practice their name at home over the holidays.
Reading Books and Homework It is important that you spend time reading with your child every day, taking about the pictures and what might happen next. Your child’s teacher will decided when they feel your child is ready for a book. Please trust us but if you are unsure please come and ask. - Homework will be given out on a Friday
FOUNDATION FUN IN SEPTEMBER Parent activity sessions, where you will spend time working with your child. Each week we will focus on a different aspect of learning within the Foundation Stage. It will provide you with ideas of how you can help your child to develop.
Our Golden Rules And DOJOs Follow these rules to receive a reward …. Always keep your hands to yourself. Always be kind and helpful. Always work hard. Always look after property. Always listen to people. Always tell the truth. Always do what the grown up asks first time.
Before and After school Care We are lucky to have a before and after school club located on our grounds. Oscars is run by Mrs Sue Stocks. Open from 8am till 6pm Can provide breakfast and bring your child to their classroom door for 8:45am Collect your child at 3:15am, provide a healthy snack and fun and games until collected. If you do think you might need before and after care please speak to Mrs Stocks as soon as possible as places are limited.
What can you do to help? Allow your child to dress/undress themselves. Allow them to go to the toilet and wash their hand on their own. Use a knife and fork. Listen and follow instructions. Tidy up after themselves. Talk about and share books. Use their cursive name card and write in their summer holiday ‘All about me’ book. Play turn taking/sharing games.
Absence From time to time your child will need to be absent from school. On the first day of absence please phone the school. When they return please provide a short letter to explain their absence. Ofsted – Good attendance.
‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ ‘ Finally From time to time we will ask to speak to you. Don't always think the worse, we like to share good news and progress. If you have any queries please feel free to have a chat with your child's teacher. We will be happy to speak to you at the end of the day! If we don't know about it, we can’t help! ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ ‘
Last but not least – Time to talk to teachers! Welcome to our School !