High School ESL Mrs. Nabulsi


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Presentation transcript:

High School ESL Mrs. Nabulsi Week One August 25-29, 2015

School Mission Statement The vision of Wiesbaden High School is to ensure students acquire the necessary learning, social, and communication skills to be productive, ethical, and healthy citizens in a global environment.

Interventions SMART GOAL 1 – By 2014, all students will demonstrate an improved ability to think critically by analyzing information, synthesizing elements and evaluating outcomes across all curricular areas as evidenced by PSAT question analysis, Terra Nova scores and a local assessment.

Interventions SMART Goal 2 – By 2014, all student will demonstrate an improved ability to read and comprehend informational text in all curricular areas as evidenced by Terra Nova scores, PSAT scores and the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI).

Rules for this class Come in and leave by the front door of the school because you will need to be buzzed in. I will meet you the first day. DO NOT come via the sixth grade wing. Come directly up to room 134. Do not visit other teachers. Please use the bathroom before coming to this building I will allow you to leave this class a minutes before the bell to avoid “little kids”. Have all materials for this class as you will not be allowed in and out during class time. You only need to bring your notebook, pen/pencil, highlighters, and planner. You must have your planner. You may bring bottled water, but only water. We are a small class, but I do not allow unnecessary talking or movement in the classroom. Know and remember your logins for the computer and google aps. We also need to check GRADESPEED at least once a week. Follow all the rules setup in your student handbook. Treat your teacher, fellow students and the school property with respect. Be not a borrower. When you enter, go directly to your seat and begin your Quick Write. Set daily goals and reflect on the positive events and people in your life. Be in the right place, at the right time, with the right materials and the right attitude.

Your teacher Mother of two sons Born in Dayton, Ohio, but have lived in West Virginia, Florida, Missouri and Georgia. Earned degrees from the University of Missouri (English and physiology), University of Mississippi (English with focus on American literature), Worked on PhD at Florida State University (We’re really number 1) (Humanities), University of West Georgia ( ESL) Taught high school 30+ years, college for 10, Came to DODDS in 2004: Japan, Portugal (Lajes) and Germany. I am an old lady, so be kind.

Weekly Vocabulary You will have a test over these words on Thursday. We are going to focus on Greek and Latin root words the first quarter: CED – go, yield DICT – speak, declare FID – faith, trust 10 Academic vocabulary words Go to Quizlet to study and take tests over each week’s words.

CED words 1. recede 2 ancestry 3. procedure 4.succession Find two more

DICT words Abdicate Indictment Dedication Dictatorial Find two more

FID words infidel bona fide Affidavit Confidential Find two more words

Academic Vocabulary for Week One Abbreviate Abstract According Acronym Address Affect Alter Always Analogy Analysis See mrsnabulsi.weebly.com or google aps for definitions. Write these words and their definitions in your vocabulary note book as well as the designated root words and their examples each week. Study for these words and the root words on quizlet. Take the test on quizlet in class.

Daily Procedure Come in front door Begin your Quick Write as you sit down. Write in the PURPLE composition book. Go over the weekly PowerPoint ( These will be posted on both my webpage and Google Aps- Drive) Vocabulary, sentence corrections, readings, grammar and learning strategies for your classes. You must inform me of what you are doing in your classes so that I can make study guides and quizzes for you. Use your planner diligently.

How can you contact me Google aps: lyla.nabulsi@student.dodea.edu lyla.nabulsi@eu.dodea.edu

What is my webpage mrsnabulsi.weebly.com Look under HIGH SCHOOL ESL There will be essential documents that you will need and weekly lesson plans and handouts. However, if I make SMARBOARD presentations, these do not open, so you need to find these on google aps. Use other sections of the website for any help you need. If you need it and can’t find it, ask me to put it on there for you.

Google Aps Make sure you secure your account and know your password. Go to : SHARED WITH ME Look for a folder that says HIGH SCHOOL ESL I will have all the information that is on my weebly plus SMARBOARD presentations I need to give each of you access to my calendar.

Things that come up If you are an athlete, your grades should be checked weekly and you must maintain your grades. I feel very strongly about this. Do not get behind in any class and know I am here after school. If you go on a trip with your parents, you must make up the work . Remember, everything is on Google Aps or my weebly. No excuses.

The main thing to remember You are your best or worst friend. Be your best. I am here to help you in any way I can (as long as it doesn’t involve money-ha). I want you to succeed; your parents want you to succeed; your other teachers and administrators want you to succeed; you succeed, however, because of you.

Let’s have a great year!!!!!!!!