LLEP ESIF Committee Briefing The Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP) and Accelerated Growth Programme (AGP) ERDF Funded Growth Support for SME’s
The Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP) and Accelerated Growth Programme (AGP) The Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP) and Accelerated Growth Programme will provide free advice and co-funded grant support to aspirational SMEs to help them: Identify opportunities and create plans for improvement and growth Work with the best external experts to implement those plans cover 35% of the cost of implementing the plans through a growth/improvement grant Connect to wider support to maximise opportunities for growth
The underpinning approach Identify and Engage Work with Growth Hubs and local networks to find and engage with SME’s who are seeking to grow Add value and advise Objective Growth/Manufacturing Improvement review to: Explore ambitions, issues and barriers to growth Clarify improvement actions Build the business case for investment in implementing actions Part finance – ERDF grant Support procurement of best external expertise Cover 35% of the cost of investment in action plan Review and progress Follow up to maximise benefits vs objectives Introduce other value adding services – eg Growth Hub Identify and support further growth potential
Eligibility – who can benefit To apply you must be: an SME as defined by the EU definition. (This means your company or group of companies must have: Fewer than 250 employees A turnover less than or equal to €50 million OR A balance sheet total less than or equal to €43 million A manufacturer, defined as: “A business that engages in any economic activity directly related to a product or production process they have researched, designed or produced, or otherwise hold core intellectual property in.” Able to demonstrate the intention to grow/improve – (through creation of increased turnover, increased jobs and/or introduction of new products/services/processes) N.B. Businesses operating mainly in the following sectors are unfortunately not eligible: fishery and aquaculture primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products coal, steel and shipbuilding synthetic fibres Must have an operating address within one of the supported LEP areas
How much grant can be claimed and what can it be used for? Up to 35% of the costs of working with an external expert/coach of your choice to implement a pre-agreed Growth/Improvement Action plan Subject to a maximum of £3,500 at the Business Advisor’s (BA) discretion. (Minimum grant applications accepted: £350) Larger grants may be considered for exceptional cases (vs job and match justification) The scope of the Growth/Improvement plan will be specific to each applicant’s growth needs and will be agreed in advance with the BA. Typical coverage: Expert consulting/coaching input – to analyse, recommend and support implementation of a Growth/Improvement Plan Associated other expenditure specifically related to achieving a Growth/ Improvement objective (e.g. small tooling developments, accreditation costs etc.) Grant supported Growth/Improvement projects must be completed, paid and claimed for within 3 months of grant confirmation
How will the SMEs needs be assessed? Comprehensive business review with feedback plotted to prioritise and scope improvement actions
When will the MGP/AGP come on stream? Advisory service Available now (at Pera’s own risk) for the BA’s to engage, advise, carry out reviews and agree provisional action plans Grant support We are hopeful that DCLG sign-off will be confirmed in July In anticipation – BA’s can discuss action plan scopes and agree conditional grant proposals subject to final DCLG contract sign- off
What the MGP/AGP means for organisations supporting aspirational SME’s If you work with growth potential SME’s, the MGP/AGP will provide many advantages for you and your clients, including: Access to impartial in depth support to unlock clients’ growth ambitions Access to data and intelligence on market needs Supported introduction to a wide range of manufacturing and growth expertise A robust and proven delivery model providing confidence in the outcomes
How to make referrals/discuss collaboration with the MGP/AGP If you have SME client who could benefit, get in contact with your local team - details below - and let us help you help your clients. Contact: Mark Taft: Business Advisor – 07867 352596 e-mail – mark.taft@peraconsulting.com James Bosworth: Business Advisor MGP – 07920 563811 e-mail: james.bosworth@peracaonsulting.com