Chinese Dynasties
Shang 1766 – 1122 BCE 1st recorded Chinese dynasty Huang He river Patriarchal Ancestor Worship
Zhou 1122 – 256 BCE Confucius – Family based rigid social hierarchy Lao-tze (Daoism) “The Path” Mandate of Heaven Legalism – Strict rules with harsh punishments
Qin 221 – 206 BCE Shi Huangdi – First Emperor Legalism Abolished slavery (to tax the peasants) Unification/Standardized measures, weights, language Where China gets its name
Han 202 BCE – 220 CE Compares to Rome Big, Well governed Suffers from Over-Expansion Invaders Mix legalism with confucianism Tribute system
Sui 581 – 618 CE Reunification Build Grand Canal Chang’an = Capital
Tang 618 – 907 CE Becomes large Expands Trade Embraces Buddhism Superior sulk Starts wearing cotton pants
Song 960 – 1279 CE Smart! Smaller than Tang Clock Gunpowder Junk Stern(Rear)mounted rudder Footbinding Hated Buddhism (Wu Zhao – A woman and a Buddhist?!)
Yuan 1279 – 1368 MONGOLS (Wait for it…) Largest Land Empire Ghengis Khan Safe Silk Road (Pax Mongolica) Cant take Japan
Ming 1368 – 1644 Yongle (Young Li) Voyages into Indian Ocean of Zheng He Blue Porcelain Paper Money Silver for payments /Mercantilism of silver
Qing 1644 – 1912 Manchus – reverse assimilation Kangxi 1662 – 1722 Economic , military, culture rebuilding Canton System Opium War/Treaty of Nanking Last Chinese Dynasty Boxer Rebellion
Republic 1912 – 1949 Not that important Fall of Qing Era between Qing and Mao
Mao Zedong 1949 – 1975 Turns to peasants Long march Great Leap Forward Turns to communism Bans footbinding Cultural Revolution
Deng Xiaoping 1978 - 1991 MADE IN CHINA 1978 - 1991 MADE IN CHINA Mass increase in output of Chinas industry Increase in foreign influence (McDonalds, Coca-Cola as examples)