1006 Births and Hatches, Fetus Identified, Egg Accessions and Record Events This session will cover Births and Hatches, Fetus Identified and Egg accessions. In addition, we will discuss recording events for fetuses and eggs. This pre-birth/pre-hatch functionality opens up a great amount of additional information that can be recorded on your animals.
Births/Hatch Accession From Start menu Must record all fields Add Offspring from Parent Record One parent is pre-filled Collection & Enclosure Pre-fill Parental Taxonomy determination Taxonomy Pre-fills Second parent may impact hybrid status Birth Location Defaults There are 2 approaches to recording a Birth or a Hatch. You can start from scratch and use the Start menu, selecting Accession and Birth/Hatch. This accession flow requires that all information be entered into the accession screen. >Another approach is to go into the record of either the sire or dam and select Add Offspring from Parent. This approach can save you data entry time as many fields are pre-filled with information sourced from the parent record. One parent will prefill. This will be the parent that you are adding the offspring from. The collection and enclosure of this parent will also prefill. The method of taxon determination will prefill with Parental, as the offspring is usually the taxonomy of the parent. The taxonomy will prefill with that of the parent. When you add the second parent it will update should the offspring be a hybrid animal. The birth information will default to captive born and your institution as the location. All of these prefilled fields are editable.
Pre-Birth/Hatch Fetus Identified from Female Accession From Start Menu Same prefills as for Add Offspring From Accession From Start Menu Fetus Identified Warning if dam is dispositioned or dies Egg or Group of Eggs From 5 accession modes Egg Mass No Appeared or Rescued Similar to Add Offspring From This Animal you can record an accession of Fetus Identified from within the dam’s record. This action only appears for animals that are sexed as females. The same fields that prefill for Add Offspring also prefill for Fetus Identified. All are editable. >> You can also accession a Fetus Identified from the Start Menu. This approach requires that all fields be entered. Once you have accessioned a fetus, if anything happens to the dam, such she is sent to another institution or dies, you will receive a message that there was a fetus associated with her and a reminder to also record an appropriate transaction for that accession. >>>From the Start Menu you can also accession single eggs or groups of eggs from the 4 standard accession modes – From Another Institution, Collected From Wild, Rescued and Appeared. You can also record an egg or group of eggs From Lay, the egg version of Fetus Identified. Currently, there is no Egg Laid From Parent functionality available. >>You can also record an Egg Mass, which is usually too many eggs to accurately count and often held together by a gelatinous substance. You can also use the term egg mass for egg fields, such as a tub of soil where an invertebrate has oviposited a number of eggs. At this time, the entity of egg mass cannot be accessioned via Appeared or Rescued.
Adding Parents Add Offspring or Fetus Identified From Start Menu One Parent is prefilled From Start Menu Both Parents must be added Undetermined/Indeterminate/Wild Search database Institution GAN/Local ID Taxonomy I Know the Parent is not in ZIMS Record what information you know If you select to Add an Offspring from a parent, or Fetus Identified from a female, that Parent record will prefill. You will still need to record the other parent. >If you are accessioning from the Start Menu, both Parents will need to be entered. If you have no parent information available select Undetermined or Indeterminate as appropriate. If the animal has one or more Wild parents select Wild. If both parents are recorded as Wild, the offspring will display as a founder animal in Pedigree Explorer. If the parent is in the database, or to find out if it is already, you can search by Institution, GAN or Local ID and Taxonomy. Any matches are displayed in a results grid and you can select the appropriate record. If you know the parent is not in ZIMS you can select that and be taken to a screen to record what information you do know about the parent.
Record Event Record Event Hatch Event for Accessioned Egg Birth Event for Accessioned Fetus To record a Death or Disposition of a fetus or egg you will select a Disposition Transaction just as you would for an individual animal. However, if the egg hatches or the fetus is born you do not record a standard Birth/Hatch event. Instead, you select to Record Event under My Transactions. Here you can record a hatch event for an accessioned egg, group of eggs or egg mass, or a birth event for an accessioned fetus.
Hatches over days All Eggs did not hatch on same day checkbox Range Estimate to capture this For a group of eggs, hatching does not always take place on the same day. When you are recording a hatch event for a group of eggs you can indicate this by checking the All Eggs Did Not Hatch on the Same Day checkbox and record a date range estimate for the hatchings.
Change in Entity A Single Egg Hatches Entity becomes an Individual Animal A Group of Eggs or Egg Mass Hatches Entity becomes a Group of Animals A Fetus is Born Prebirth/hatch events are the only time that the entity can change from what it was originally recorded as. If a single egg hatches it becomes an Individual Animal. >If a group of eggs or egg mass hatched it becomes a Group of Animals >And if a fetus is born it becomes an Individual Animal
Clutch/Litter Parents will show as siblings, this captures members of a clutch or litter Important when parents are Wild You can also record that animals or eggs are part of a clutch or litter. Although parentage will indicate they are siblings, this is where you would record if they were all members of the same clutch or litter, important information. This is especially important for animal whose parents are recorded as Wild as there is no indication they are related.
Any Questions? Before we add some birth/hatch events, FETUSES AND EGGS