Middlesex University Educational Audit 2016/17
Purpose of Audit To explore how systems and processes are working in practice to support student learning. “To monitor and enhance the quality of practice learning environments” in line with NHS (L) and NMC requirements. Applies to areas that support a variety of students. E.g. student midwives, student nurses and practitioners on post-qualifying programmes.
Why this is important 50% of a students programme is spent in practice To ensure we meet the requirements of ‘Supporting Learning and Assessment in Practice’ (NMC 2008). This requires annual updates and triennial audits for mentors and sign-off mentors.
Process for Educational Audit The tool has been developed by a number of HEIs and placement providers. (Copy to be provided in briefing pack) Planned in partnership with HEIs and organisational leads. 2 yearly cycle for each area - usually. Development of a joint action plan to contribute to local ongoing monitoring and development. Identification of organisation representation.
Preparation Allow a maximum of 1.5 hours for the audit. Identify a meeting space. Liaise with your link lecturers to prepare for the audit. Gather any evidence to share with the auditor. If a student is on duty expect a member of the audit team to wish to speak with them. If a member of staff is currently on the mentorship programme facilitate their engagement in the activity.
Examples of evidence available locally: Assessors’ database Mentor ‘portfolios’ or similar Student orientation/induction pack Student evaluation forms Student and mentor off-duty/rota University placement guidelines Supervision strategy Student assessment documents Examples of EBP applied locally (e.g. NICE)
What happens next? A copy of the audit will be emailed to you for checking. The agreed action plans will then be followed up with your link lecturer/s 6 months after the actual audit. If you have any queries about this process please contact Kathy Wilson, Head of Practice-based Learning (k.wilson@mdx.ac.uk) or Carl Armstrong (C.Armstrong@mdx,ac,uk)