Deputy Director | NIDA Center for the Clinical Trials Network Geetha A. Subramaniam, MD, DFAACAP, DFAPA Deputy Director | NIDA Center for the Clinical Trials Network 41st AMERSA Annual National Conference Thursday, November 2, 2017
Products Training Awards Scientific Sessions Exhibits Mentorship Awards Symposia/Workshops/Outreach at Professional Meetings Booth Exhibits (AANP, AAPA) MI & Adolescent MI CME – Medscape & SiMmersion Electronic Adolescent Screening Tools: S2BI & BSTAD Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription & Other Drug Screening Tool (TAPS) Open Online Training for Collaborative Care – Harvard CME Addiction Science & Clinical Practice special series “Substance Use & the HIV Care Continuum” Podcast – Engaging the Nursing Community in Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder Whiteboard Video – Buprenorphine
Free, online medical education program – each course 8 hours CME/CE Emphasis on medication for OUD in collaborative care settings where nurses play important role Course 1: Understanding Addiction launched April 14, 2017 Course 2: Identification, Counseling, and Treatment of OUD launched May 15, 2017 Course 3: Collaborative Care Approaches for Management of OUD launched June 1, 2017. Each course is certified for 8 hours of CME including approval from ANA, AAPA, AANP and the National Association of Social Workers.
Engaging the Nursing Community in Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder Guest: Colleen T. LaBelle MSN, RN-BC, CARN Describes how nurses and nurse practitioners can expand patient access to medications for OUD Highlights benefits of collaborative care approach to facilitate access to buprenorphine in office-based settings
Video Tutorial An educational whiteboard-style video tutorial on the use of Buprenorphine for OUD Click on screenshot to start video
….Coming Soon to the NIDA Website A brief, two-stage screen for substance use and fits into clinical workflows Dissemination product provides guidance for clinicians TAPS-1: Screening TAPS-2: Brief Assessment Validity – Results of a large multisite study* indicated that the TAPS tool identified adults with and without problem use/SUDs in primary care settings Easy Access – Uses an electronic format (available as an online tool) Flexibility – May be either self-administered directly by the patient or administered by a health professional *McNeely J, Wu L, Subramaniam G, Sharma G, Cathers LA, Svikis D, et al. Performance of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use (TAPS) Tool for Substance Use Screening in Primary Care Patients. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:690-699. doi: 10.7326/M16-0317
…..and NOW on the NIDA Website Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs (BSTAD) Screening to Brief Intervention (S2BI) Both tools begin with a single question each about past-year frequency of use for tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. Each screening tool: May be either self-administered directly by the patient or administered by a health professional These tools can typically be completed in less than two minutes Web-based brief substance use screening tools for use with adolescent patients in pediatric or primary care settings Implications of the score—along with suggested clinician actions and additional resources—are provided