The Election of 1824! Good thing we had that 12th Amendment thing or this would have really gotten out of………wait…….what happened??????
Let’s rewind….. After Jefferson came Madison- Madison was Jefferson’s Secretary of State. After Madison came Monroe- Monroe was Madison’s Secretary of State. After Monroe came……well, John Quincy Adams was Monroe’s Secretary of State It was assumed that JQA would win the election and keep this trend…..trending. ?
So who are our 2 candidates in 1824? There were 4, and they were all “Republicans.” Federalists had died out during the Era of Good Feelings. John Quincy Adams- Monroe’s Sec. of State Henry Clay- Speaker of the House William Crawford- Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Jackson- Hero of the battle of New Orleans
The Results are in! Andrew Jackson won 99 electoral votes JQA won 84 Crawford won 41 Clay won 37
12th Amendment language if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote;
So……. Henry Clay is out, since he finished 4th. BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT, he is the Speaker of the House. The House is going to break this tie. Clay uses his influence in the House to get the Western states to vote for Adams. Clay hated Jackson and didn’t think he was fit to be President
Ladies and Gentlemen….I give you our President! John Quincy Adams wins the vote in the House and becomes President. He immediately names Henry Clay as Secretary of State. People are like……..wait, hold on!
The Corrupt Bargain Immediately people began calling this the “Corrupt Bargain,” no one louder than old Andrew Jackson He was, well, angry. He denounces JQA’s decision and basically starts campaigning against JQA as soon as JQA came into office.
New Vocab! You should use your remaining time to work on section 7.3 vocab, and questions 3-5.