New User Interface for extracting statistical data from Eurostat databases Thom Werkhoven Dissemination Working Group – 10-11 November 2005
Project approach The need for a new user interface approach (Ex Ante Evaluation) Intensive discussions within Eurostat, including two workshops Analysis of existing internal and external interfaces Identifying strength & weaknesses {each user interface has one or more best practice elements and no user interface is outperforming on all aspects} Prototype based on best practices Finalized Functional Specifications Next steps Technical choices and specifications Feasibility Report Decision on Feasibility Report and its implementation
Key Recommendations The need for a new single user interface for all statistics which is easy to use without prior training The user interface should start with a meaningful default table which can be customized interactively (WYSIWYG) User functions should be well integrated into the website (search, navigation, products) Possibility to save customized tables as a URL for easy re-activation Besides basic functions also advanced functionality for professional users