Kindergarten “Fundations”
Overview What is fundations? Fundations is a systematic and explicit approach to reading and spelling with phonics. We combine the instruction with reading of good literature. Systematic- definite sequence and definite procedure Explicit- all concepts are taught directly with no room for guessing
What do our days look like? During the first 12 weeks we will be teaching: Letter recognition a-z Letter formation from a-z for lower-case letters Sound recognition (consonants and short vowels) Print awareness Word awareness Story re-telling and comprehension
Sky line Plane line Grass line Worm line
Letter Formation Guide Fundations\Letter Formation Guide.doc
a a a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qu r s t u v w x y z
Double Dose Students needing extra support also receive a “double dose lesson” of fundations. These lessons are 30 minutes in length and are given four times per week.
We Thank You For Coming! Please Check Our Websites For Updates On Fundations and Upcoming Events!