Congratulations 1
Duties of Office Statues Annotated Chapter 12 Section 12.020
Officer Appointments 1.Select your Appointed Officers Esquire Chaplain Inner Guard Tiler Organist Vocalist 3
Other Appointments 2. Appoint Your Presiding Justice Lawyer of Your Lodge Or Lawyer of Another Lodge 4
Other Appointments (cont.) 3. Appoint Your Mediator Member of your Lodge Or Member of Another Lodge Duties are Listed in GLS Section 8.015 5
Other Appointments (cont.) 4. Grants Coordinator 5. By-Laws Coordinator 6. Scholarship Coordinator 6
Chapter 13 Local Lodge Committees Standing Relief Committee – Section 13.010 By Grand Lodge Statutes comprised of Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal, and Lecturing Knights, Secretary, and Treasurer Reviews recommendations for aid or relief for members
Works through the Community Activities Committee for non-members before the Lodge can legally vote on the appropriation. Motion on such request may be made by any member.
The Exalted Ruler appoints four (4) mandatory committees: Activities Section 13.021 Fraternal Section 13.022 Public Relations Section 13.024 Auditing and Accounting Section 13.040 Responsibilities of each are as follows...
Activities Committee Activities Committee No fewer than three (3) members charged with the following: Drug Awareness Hoop Shoot Program Social and Community Welfare Youth Activities Activities Committee No fewer than three (3) members charged with the following: Drug Awareness Hoop Shoot Program Public Relations Program of the Lodge, the State Association and the Grand Lodge Youth Activities 10
Public Relations Committee Consists of no fewer than three (3) members Public Relations Program of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge
Fraternal Committee Fraternal Committee No fewer than three (3) members charged with the following: Fraternal Committee No fewer than three (3) members charged with the following: Patriotic Activities Lodge Activities Flag Day Elks Memorial Day Indoctrination of Elks National Candidates Foundation Investigative Elks National Committee Veterans’ Service Membership Lapsation 12
Auditing & Accounting Auditing & Accounting Committee Consists of no fewer than three (3) members None of whom can be Lodge Secretary or Treasurer, a Trustee or a member of the Supervising Managing Body of the Club, Social Parlor or other Lodge facility. Consists of no fewer than three (3) members None of whom can be Lodge Secretary or Treasurer, a Trustee or a member of the Supervising Managing Body of the Club, Social Parlor or other Lodge facility. 13
Committees Before appointing committees, talk with potential chairperson. Ascertain their willingness to chair committee. If willing, get their input as to whom he/she would like to serve on committee. Once committee is in place, ask them to meet, formulate activities for the year and prepare a budget to accomplish those activities.
Committee Appointments Make sure committees know who they are! Appoint new members to a committee the night they are initiated.
Other Committees The Exalted Ruler has sole authority to appoint any other committees as needed throughout year. Examples: Food Committee for initiation, By-laws revision committee, etc.
Grand Lodge Appointments As of February 15, 2012, all Lodges will be required to submit form submissions through clms2web. These submissions will replace the hardcopy forms that have been required in the past. This applies to the Grand Lodge Appointments only As of February 15, 2012, all Lodges will be required to submit form submissions through clms2web. These submissions will replace the hardcopy forms that have been required in the past. This applies to the Grand Lodge Appointments only 17
SCEA Committee Appointments All officers and committee chair appointments are required to be submitted to the State Secretary Tim Boyette, PSP. These forms are available on the South Carolina Elks website and are not able to be filled out online. The forms must then be printed out and mailed to State Secretary Tim Boyette. These forms CANNOT be submitted online TEA Appointments TEA Committee Appointments All officers and committee chair appointments are required to be submitted to the State Secretary Bill Burns, PSP. These forms are available on the Tennessee Elks website and are able to be filled out online. The forms must then be printed out and mailed to State Secretary Burns. These forms CANNOT be submitted online 18
Quorum Nine members in good standing, two of whom must be elected officers Lodges of 99 or less - 7 members in good standing, two of whom must be elected officers 19
Order of Business 20
2. Calling Roll of Officers 3. Reading Minutes of Previous Session 1. Opening 2. Calling Roll of Officers 3. Reading Minutes of Previous Session Reading Minutes of Previous Session Initiation Sickness and Distress (always in order) Community Activities Reports of Committees Balloting on Candidates Reading Communications Opening Propositions for Membership Report of Investigating Committee Unfinished Business New Business Good of the Order Bills Against the Lodge Receipts of the Session Treasurer’s Report Closing Calling Roll of Officers 21
4. Initiation Does not have to be at a Lodge meeting
5. Sickness and Distress (always in order) 6. Community Activities 7. Reports of Committees 8. Balloting on Candidates
May be transposed with consent of the Lodge…. 9. Reading Communications 10. Propositions for Membership 11. Report of Investigating Committee 12. Unfinished Business 13. New Business 14. Good of the Order 15. Bills against the Lodge 16. Receipts of the Session 17. Treasurer’s Report May be transposed with the consent of the Lodge.
18. Closing
Mandatory Programs Flag Day - June 14th (Section 2.030) Memorial Day – 1st Sunday in December (Section 2.020) *Both may be open to the public
Dispensation The Grand Exalted Ruler or the District Deputy may grant dispensation to omit or reschedule a regular meeting except during the month of February A regular meeting may be rescheduled upon five days’ notice to all Members of the Lodge.* *Amended July 2017 27
Maintain Order The proceedings of all meetings shall be characterized by proper decorum, and no vulgarity, profanity or indecent conduct shall be permitted. A member violating this provision shall be subject to discipline, suspension or expulsion 28
Maintaining Order Appoint Parliamentarian Deal with SAM and SAMANTHA Use your Gavel Use Robert’s Rules of Order
Just remember, not everyone is there to help you get out from under the fence.
Balloting on Candidates Secretary receives candidate’s application Application is read at next regular session Application is turned over to the Membership Committee Membership Committee reports back to the Lodge at following session. Committee reports either favorably or unfavorably. 32
Balloting on Candidates (cont.) Candidates may be voted upon (and initiated) at the same session following the report of the Membership Committee Candidates are elected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority. Grand Lodge statutes allows the Exalted Ruler to vary the order of business (Sec 15.020, Laws of the Order) Items ‘d’ and ‘i’ through ‘q’. They may be transposed with consent of the Lodge. 33
Voting Requirements Guide Appendix I, Grand Lodge Statutes Unless specifically provided for in the Constitution and Laws of the Order, Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail. 34
Orientation and Initiation Members are allowed to have spouses at orientation. The showing of the orientation video is a requirement. You should also address Elks Programs, State Association, local Lodge activities and House Rules during the orientation. Orientation- Members are allowed to have spouses at orientation. The showing of the orientation video is a requirement. You should also address Elks Programs, State Association, local Lodge activities and House Rules during the orientation. 35
Robert’s Rules of Order Precedence of Motions Robert’s Rules of Order
Initiation Removal of the option of the shortened initiation from the Grand Lodge Statutes Amended July 2017 37
Initiation Initiation “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” Make the Initiation impressive Section 12.130 Degree team Initiation “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” Make the Initiation impressive 38
Protocol Protocol The Exalted Ruler shall observe the proper protocol as set forth in the Protocol Manual. All invitations from a Lodge or State Association to a Grand Lodge Officer or Committee person should first be cleared through the Past Grand Exalted Ruler of jurisdiction. The Exalted Ruler shall observe the proper protocol as set forth in the Protocol Manual. All invitations from a Lodge or State Association to a Grand Lodge Officer or Committee person should first be cleared through the Past Grand Exalted Ruler of jurisdiction. 39
There is always a solution There is always a solution! Don’t forget to consult with your Local Lodge PER Association. No need to re-invent the wheel.