Growth of Georgia: 1789 - 1840 Photo Analysis
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
Objectives & Essential Questions TSWBT explain important factors in the development of Georgia between 1789 and 1840. Essential Questions How did the spread of Baptist and Methodist churches affect the culture of Georgia? Why was the cotton gin influential in the growth of slavery in the South? How did the discovery of gold in Georgia lead to Indian removal by Andrew Jackson and the Federal Government?
How Do We Know What We Know How Do We Know What We Know? Analyzing Pictures Picture Analysis Instructions In this exercise, you will be presented with a picture of Georgia’s past. You will describe what you see in detail, answer some questions on the meaning of the picture, and finally relate how the picture influences you. You will be given a worksheet with guided questions to answer for each picture
Helpful Hints Hints First, look at the picture for a minute or two Slowly examine the different parts of the photo Is it a photo or painting? Is it from the time period or from a later date? Think about the artist’s intention
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4
Photo #5
Conclusion Think of ALL the Pictures Do they have a common theme? Are any of them interrelated? Which one left the biggest impression on YOU? Why?