Welcome to Year 11 Specialist Maths Work with a partner to solve this puzzle: Six games into the hockey season, Kate’s team is doing okay. They won two games, lost two, and two games were draws. In total, they scored four goals, and conceded four goals. Surprisingly, each game had a different scoreline! (1-0 and 0-1 are different.) What were the scorelines for the six matches?
Have you thought about how you will organise your notes? and how you will store handouts? How competent do you feel in the use of the CAS calculator? How strong are your algebraic and numeric skills? Much of your holiday homework will be concentrated on this – it’s due first lesson back next year. Do you have the right settings on your CAS calculator? FLOAT, AUTO, (radians)
HOW TO STUDY MATHS Make sure you fully understand each new concept – this way you will save having to memorise it and you’ll find it easier to manage a variety of questions on that topic. Make sure you DO QUESTIONS rather than spend too much time making notes. Always follow up on any concerns as soon as possible https://learn.stleonards.vic.edu.au/vcemm/
ASK QUESTIONS!! Email me: rhonda.vaughan@stleonards.vic.edu.au Come to Maths Help: Thursday period 1 in S1.2 Or visit me in the Allen office
ASSESSMENT: Tests Assignments Problem solving tasks Modelling tasks Mathematical investigations EXAMS: Exam One no calculator or notes (1 hour). This consists of a series of short answer questions. Exam Two CAS Calculator AND notes allowed (1.5 hours) (you can also bring a scientific calculator to this exam) This consists of Multiple Choice and Extended Answer questions.
Without using a calculator, a) divide 2625 by 25 b) simplify Try these….. Without using a calculator, a) divide 2625 by 25 b) simplify Solve x2 = 3x Write 14709 correct to 2 significant figures Write 0.004704 correct to: a) 3 decimal places b) 3 significant figures What does 3.24E-5 mean on the calculator? 2 7 × 4 9 × 3 2 2 + 6 5 ÷ 7 10
Homework – watch this video by the Australian comedian / mathematician Adam Spence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4xOFsygwr4