Year 6 Room 8 Meeting Mrs Alysia Allen
High quality teaching based on the WA curriculum At North Kalgoorlie Primary School it is our mission to provide engaging and challenging educational experiences that target all students. Curriculum High quality teaching based on the WA curriculum Data driven school – Improvement targets in School Plan Differentiating the curriculum Timetable – specialist subjects HASS PATHS- social/emotional program Assessment- anecdotal records, rubrics, checklists, oral interview, CAT tasks, school wide assessments (PAT R, PAT M)
Literacy Dedicated Literacy block Spelling- data driven (Diana Rigg & NAPLAN) Reading- Teach the skills for reciprocal reading (predict, question, clarify, summarise) and the reading strategies. Writing- Teach the writing process Differentiation in all areas
Mathematics Numeracy blocks embedded in all classrooms. iSTAR lesson design (introduce, show, try, apply, reflect) Focus on problem solving and reasoning Focus on the language Teaching mental strategies Times tables
Behaviour 1-2-3 magic Assembly certificates Good work office visits Gotchas Blue letters Orange/Red letter Wedgie
Attendance Super important to be on time School starts at 8.35 Follow up by Mrs Brennan SMS Absentee notes Late pass
Class Timetable- on website MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 8:35 – 8:45 GREETING, ROLL & “BELL- RINGER” 8:45 – 9:45 LITERACY 10:15 - LIBRARY DOTT – PE LITERACY/ ASSEMBLY (EVERY 2ND WEEK) 9:45 – 10:45 Computer Lab TECHNOLOGIES HEALTH/PATHS 10:45-11:10 RECESS 11:10 – 12:20 MATHS SCIENCE 12:20 – 1:00 LUNCH 1:00 – 2:00 HASS ART 2:00 – 3:00 MUSIC
Homework Independent reading- NKPS Expectation linked with improvement to comprehension, writing, spelling, and oral language skills (see following slide) Unfinished/unsatisfactory work
BYOI Australian curriculum: 21st century learning To enhance learning For creation and research purposes only SAMR model App list and FAQ on class webpage Acceptable Use Agreement
Expectations Be at school on time Homework- home reading Recess & lunch Water bottle School uniform/hat/jumper School supplies iPad comes charged each day
Communication Make a time to see me Phone Erin at the front office Email School website Skoolbag Thankyou for your time!