Writing a Thesis Statement A Roadmap to a Great Essay!!!
What is a thesis statement? Tells the reader what you will discuss, and how you will discuss it It must always be present in last part of introduction paragraph It must always be OBVIOUS and SPECIFIC It should almost always be ONE sentence – use semicolons and commas. It must directly answer the prompt!!! Consider: ALL essays are arguments. So no matter what mode, the thesis should contain more than just facts What is a thesis statement?
And don’t forget: It must also pass the "So What?” test There must be a reason for your essay – why is it important; what will we gain from it? And don’t forget:
Why is it important? Thesis = a contract between you and your reader. It is a blueprint to your essay Determines what you will and will NOT talk about, since every paragraph in your essay supports it. Why is it important?
Avoid Simple Statements of Fact “Many college students work while attending classes.” Instead, write something like this: “Working while attending college classes remains necessary for many students, but unfortunately many problems result from the difficulties of balancing work and school.” Avoid Simple Statements of Fact
Strategy #2 How is each thesis better? Question: Why did the North and South fight the Civil War? Thesis 1: The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different. Thesis 2: While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. Thesis 3: While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.
Let’s Practice! Quiz on which is the best thesis statement
QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK YOURSELF BEFORE TURNING IN YOUR ESSAY ALWAYS REVIEW YOUR THESIS: Does my thesis directly answer the prompt? Is my thesis focused, and does it include all aspects of my body paragraphs? Is my thesis 1 sentence long (and still grammatically correct)? Does my thesis appear at the end of my introduction? Does my thesis make it clear what my opinion is, and how will I discuss it? Does it pass the “So what?” test?