ON THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT LOCKE VS HOBBES – ON THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT John Locke 1632 - 1704 England Thomas Hobbes 1588 – 1678 England
LOCKE VS HOBBES B OOK Two Treatises on Government (1690) Leviathan (1651)
LOCKE VS HOBBES MOTIV ATI ON The Glorious Revolution (bloodless) A positive version of Hobbes Wrote to justify the Glorious Revolution Justify removal of James II Depressed about the beheading of Charles I in the English Civil War (1649) He speculated about the nature of government and man
LOCKE VS HOBBES H UMANS ARE BORN Selfish – With a “clean slate” Humans are motivated by self- interest and the quest for power Natural law is kill or be killed With a “clean slate” Free and equal with 3 natural rights: (from God) Life, Liberty, Property (influences Jefferson)
LOCKE VS HOBBES FAMOUS QUOTE “All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” “Without government, life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
LOCKE VS HOBBES ROLE OF GOVT Government exists by consent of the governed People agree to be governed if government protects 3 natural rights People can break the contract (revolt) if gov’t violates rights. Humans need an absolute monarchy to keep order
Perspectives on Government Locke: in article Hobbs: in article
State of Nature Montesquieu: Main purpose of government?? Rousseau: vision of the ideal government??
Rousseau Rousseau – Wrote the “Social Contract.” Believed that people were born good, but corrupted by the environment, bad government, and laws. He believed the best government used POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY or a vote by all of the people.
People of the Enlightenment Baron de Montesquieu Best Gov. is divided into 3 branches: Legislative, Executive, Judicial Checks and Balances