Beyond networking: How to build your personal advisory board Avani Rana, Ed.D - Director of Leadership, The College of New Jersey Sarah Beth Bailey, Ed.D - Assistant Dean for New Students, New York University Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Convention Center, 115 C
What is an Advisory Board?
Positions on the Board Source:
Personal Guide Characteristics: Individuals who you may have a personal relationship with You may have been a former protégé. Source of inspiration and motivation. Interactions: Limited interaction, mainly psychosocial
Personal Advisor Characteristics: Individuals who you may have a personal relationship with, serve as emotional sounding board, offer friendship, and provide acceptance of one’s capabilities Interactions: Frequent, active interaction, strong psychosocial
Full-service Mentor Characteristics: Supporters who provide extensive and complimentary support. “True Mentors” maybe outside the current workplace Interactions: Frequent interaction, wide range of career and psychosocial support
Career Advisor Characteristics: Shorter in duration Interactions: High level interaction Mainly instrumental career and job related
Career Guide Characteristics: Conversations revolve around career development, especially during crisis or career change. Steps in when developmental assistance is needed and has a considerable influence Interactions: Limited interaction Limited relationship
Role Model Characteristics: Important developmental conversations Inspirational, life goals and visionary Interactions: Limited interaction
Steps to Create Your Personal Advisory Board
Contact Us: Feel free to email us for more information… Avani Rana - Twitter @ARana0512 Sarah Beth Bailey - Twitter sbbailey88
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