Table 8.1
Tertiary Secondary Primary 8.1
Total number of farms, millions Average farm size, hundreds of acres 8.2 Total land in farms, billions of acres
Farmers - 19¢ Energy - 4¢ Profits - 5¢ Packaging - 8¢ Advertising - 4¢ 8.3 Farmers - 19¢ Off-Farm Labor (Manufacturing, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Restaurants) - 38¢ Energy - 4¢ Profits - 5¢ Packaging - 8¢ Advertising - 4¢ Other Costs - 10¢ Transportation - 4¢ Rent & Equipment - 8¢
Energy Consumption by Source Energy Consumption by Use Biomass (3%) Geothermal, solar, wind (1%) Hydroelectric (3%) Nuclear (8%) Commercial (18%) Industrial (33%) Petroleum (40%) Natural Gas (23%) Residential (21%) 8.4 Transportation (28%) Coal (23%)
Table 8.2
Percent of All Employees in Manufacturing Manufacturing Employees (millions) 8.6
Real Productivity Real Wages 8.7 9
Total expenditures: out-of-pocket, private insurance, and public Out-of-pocket and private insurance Out-of-pocket only 8.8 10
Ownership Transactions (28.1%) Primary Sector (2.9%) Tertiary Sector (63.5%) Secondary Sector (19.0%) Ownership Transactions (28.1%) Managing the System (24.2%) Government, Security (2.4%) 8.10 Government, Education (3.3%) Private Social Services (7.8%) Government, Other (6.8%) Uncategorized GDP (1.9%) Entertainment (3.6%) 12