Unit 2 Test Review
Question # 1 Which of the following explorers is associated with the map below? Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellen Hernan Cortes Christopher Columbus
Question # 2 Which explorer is known for conquering the Incan Empire? Jacques Cartier John Cabot Francisco Pizzarro Hernan Cortes
Question # 3 Which of the following items was traded from the Old World to the New World? Horse Corn Tomato Turkey
Question #4 Which explorer is associated with the map below? John Cabot Jacques Cartier Henry Hudson Ferdinand Magellan
Question # 5 Which explorer is best known for conquering the Aztec Empire? Francisco Pizzarro Henry Hudson Hernan Cortes Jacques Cartier
Question # 6 __________________ was a Chinese Muslim Admiral who led seven ocean voyages for the Ming Dynasty. Christopher Columbus Zheng He John Cabot Jacques Cartier
Question # 7 What is the name given to the transfer of goods, plants, animals, and diseases during the colonization of the Americas? The Middle Passage Mercantilism Triangular Trade Columbian Exchange
Question # 8 Which of the following was not a motivation for European Exploration? Gold Spread Christianity Glory Labor
Question # 9 Which explorer is credited with discovering the St. Lawrence River and parts of Canada? John Cabot Jacques Cartier Henry Hudson Christopher Columbus
Question # 10 Which of the following items was traded from the New World to the Old World? Potato Smallpox Pig Cow
Question # 11 Identify the name of the ship in the picture below.
Question # 12 Which of the following was not a new technology that aided European explorers? Rudder Lateen Sail Astrolabe GPS
Question # 13 Which of the following terms is represented by the picture below? Columbian Exchange Mercantilism The Middle passage Conquistador
Question # 14 Which of the following items was traded from the Old World to the New World? Coffee Pineapple Vanilla Tobacco
Question # 15 Which of the following terms is associated with the map below? Columbian Exchange Triangular Trade Mercantilism Globalization