LUCAS Task Force Statistical tables
Land cover Legal base (Optional data) Classification Update cycles Time frame
Code Class – Land cover A ARTIFICIAL LAND A10 Roofed built-up areas A20 Artificial non-built up areas A30 Other built-up areas B CROPLAND C FAO - Wooded land C - F FAO - Forest C - F - 10 FAO - Broadleaved C - F - 20 FAO - Coniferous C - F - 30 FAO - Mixed C - OWT FAO - Other land with tree cover C - OW FAO - Other wooded land D Shrubland E Grassland F Bareland, lichens, glaciers and permanent snow G Inland waters G10 Inland water bodies G20 Inland running water H Wetland L Land area (NUTS definition) T Total area = Land (L) + Inland waters (NUTS definition)
Land use – core elements Legal base Optional data Classification Update cycles Time frame
Code Core Land Use for LUCAS purposes 1 Primary production 1_1 Agriculture 1_1_1 CommercialAgriculturalProduction 1_1_2 FarmingInfrastructure 1_1_3 AgriculturalProductionForOwnConsumption 1_2 Forestry 1_3 MiningAndQuarrying 1_4 AquacultureAndFishing 1_5 OtherPrimaryProduction 2 SecondaryProduction 2_1 RawIndustry 2_2 HeavyEndProductIndustry 2_3 LightEndProductIndustry 2_4 EnergyProduction 2_5 OtherIndustry
Code Core Land Use for LUCAS purposes 3 TertiaryProduction 3_1 CommercialServices 3_2 FinancialProfessionalAndInformationServices 3_3 CommunityServices 3_5 OtherServices 4 TransportNetworksLogisticsAndUtilities 4_1 TransportNetworks 4_1_1 RoadTransport 4_1_2 RailwayTransport 4_1_3 AirTransport 4_1_4 WaterTransport 4_1_5 OtherTransportNetwork 4_2 LogisticalAndStorageServices 4_3 Utilities 4_3_1 ElectricityGasAndThermalPowerDistributionServices 4_3_2 WaterAndSewageInfrastructure 4_3_3 WasteTreatment 4_3_4 OtherUtilities
Code Core Land Use for LUCAS purposes 5 ResidentialUse (includes other compatible use) 6 OtherUses 6_1 Transitional use 6_2 Abandoned areas 6_3 Natural areas not in other economic use 6_x Other Additional information on the type of abandoned land: industrial, commercial, residential
Land use – optional elements
Code Core Land Use for LUCAS purposes Additional INSPIRE categories 1_3 MiningAndQuarrying 1_3_1 Mining of energy producing materials 1_3_2 Mining of metal ores 1_3_3 OtherMiningAndQuarrying 1_4 AquacultureAndFishing 1_4_1 Aquaculture 1_4_2 Professional fishing 1_5 OtherPrimaryProduction 1_5_1 Hunting 1_5_2 Management of migratory animals 1_5_3 Picking of natural products
Code Core for LUCAS purposes Additional INSPIRE categories 2 SecondaryProduction 2_1 RawIndustry 2_1_1 Manufacturing of textile products 2_1_2 Manufacturing of wood and wood based products 2_1_3 Manufacturing of pulp. Paper and paper products 2_1_4 Manufacturing of coke. Refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 2_1_5 Manufacturing of chemicals chemical products man- made fibbers 2_1_6 Manufacturing of basic metals and fabricated metals 2_1_7 Manufacturing of non-metallic mineral products 2_1_8 Manufacturing of rubber plastic products 2_1_9 ManufacturingOfOtherRawMaterial 2_2 HeavyEndProductIndustry 2_2_1 Manufacturing of machinery 2_2_2 Manufacturing of vehicles and transport equipment 2_2_3 ManufacturingOfOtherHeavyEndProducts
Code Core for LUCAS purposes Additional INSPIRE categories 2 SecondaryProduction 2_3 LightEndProductIndustry 2_3_1 Manufacturing of food, beverages and tobacco products 2_3_2 Manufacturing of clothes and leather 2_3_3 Publishing and printing 2_3_4 Manufacturing of electrical and optical equipment 2_3_5 ManufacturingOfOtherLightEndProducts 2_4 EnergyProduction 2_4_1 Nuclear based energy production 2_4_2 Fossil fuel based energy production 2_4_3 Biomass based energy production 2_4_4 Renewable energy production
Code Core for LUCAS purposes Additional INSPIRE categories 3_1 CommercialServices 3_1_1 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of vehicles and personal and household goods 3_1_2 Real estate services 3_1_3 Accommodation and food services 3_2 FinancialProfessionalAndInformationService s 3_2_1 Financial and insurance services 3_2_2 Professional technical and scientific services 3_2_3 Information and communication services 3_2_4 Administrative and support services 3_2_5 OtherFinancialProfessionalAndInformationServic es
Code Core for LUCAS purposes Additional INSPIRE categories 3_3 CommunityServices 3_3_1 Public administration defence and social security services 3_3_2 Educational services 3_3_3 Health and social services 3_3_4 Religious services 3_3_5 OtherCommunityServices 3_4 CulturalEntertainmentAndRecreationalServices 3_4_1 Cultural services 3_4_2 Entertainment services 3_4_3 Sports infrastructure 3_4_4 Open air recreational areas 3_4_5 OtherRecreationalServices 5 ResidentialUse (includes other compatible use) 5_1 Permanent residential use 5_2 ResidentialUseWithOtherCompatibleUses 5_3 OtherResidentialUse