CESR Project 2018 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Adrian Simoes – SAS Tutor Lara Pimblett – Operations Support Manager
What is the CESR pilot project It is a pilot scheme to support the training and development of 12 SAS doctors to progress their development and career via the GMC Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) route. The Trust recognised that SAS doctors were the least engaged group. As an action to address these poor results, the Trust engaged with the BMA to develop a strategy to improve their engagement. This initiative was discussed as part of a range of measures the Trust would be considering in line with the workforce strategy for this group of doctors.
The rationale To aid with recruitment into ‘hard to fill’ specialties To aid with retention of specialtydoctors To keep in line with the Trust Strategy of Patients, People, Partnerships and Provision To acknowledge that SAS Doctors FEEL that they are undervalued, lack career progression opportunities and as a result experience low morale.
Strategic fit The commencement of the project has a strategic fit – National – A charter for staff and associate specialist and specialty doctors Regional – Workforce Development Strategy Local – The Trusts People Strategy
Choosing the Doctors Eligibility criteria & selection - example: college exam success, evidence in portfolio, support from college tutor/consultants, CV, CPD….. Application form was developed to be completed by the doctor and endorsed by two consultants
Educational Governance Framework All Doctors to have a named Educational Supervisor SAS Faculty to help monitor progression; mirroring the trainee pathway Local ARCP review Faculty members will include: Educational Supervisors, College Tutors, SAS Tutor, DME, SAS Administrator with possible external independent expertise from the Colleges and the participating SAS Doctors Reports submitted to the Local Academic Board in line with the annual calendar, Divisions, HEKSS
Funding for the project Bid was put to HEEKSS for start-up costs; £33,000 was successfully received and the following elements identified to aid the lift off of the project: 1st Year – Educational Supervisor (Consultant) PA – 0.25 per week per SAS Doctor x 12 = £30,000 Associated project costs – one off cost to project plan, including liaising with College Tutors and producing necessary documentation and a governance framework £3,000 2nd – 4th Years It is expected that the Trust will absorb the annual recurrent costs as part of their workforce budget.
Challenges Funding to pay the Educational Supervisors General inertia amongst the SAS Doctors Recognition of the SAS Staff Charter Engagement of Consultants LFG engagement
Moving the Project Forward The official start of the Project was June 1st Providing a regular contact system using WhatsApp and face to face meetings Redeveloping the LFG to include CESR Doctors feedback and ARCP Engaging the Divisional Medical Directors to continue the funding following Year1 Ensuring the SAS Doctors Charter becomes embedded