Inxpress Australia– FMS/Putty Franchisee Training 1
Loading Putty/FMS onto your desktop: Install It will put an icon (HUB/Putty) on your desktop which when you run enter these settings.
I recommend you save this in saved sessions so that from this point forward you can load this then select open. Login: remote Password: inxpress You will then see the below screen
Login: Password: The section you need to add a customer or make changes to your existing customer details is Maintenance. Press enter
Once you have reached the below screen you are able to enter in a new customer by giving them an account number from your franchise range.
You will need to enter in the customer code, customer name, billing information
Despatch Information
Arrow down until you highlight the financial field and the below screen appears
Enter into this screen, you must complete the A/C Type with your franchise code and enter all the way to the bottom of the screen and then use your down arrow to keep moving down to Automation
You must ensure that in this section the Invoices field as Email so that all invoices are emailed each week to the email address provided by your customer. If this is not on email they will never receive the invoice.
Use the M key to modify this to email if required Use the M key to modify this to email if required. After doing this press ECS to complete this entry. Continue arrowing down to Save and press enter. This will complete saving the customer into the system. This does not load rates. You then log into Webship and Sync customer. This will then allow you to see the customer and be able to load the rates and services under Maintain – Customer. At this time also create a login that the customer has advised they wish to use. In Maintenance you also update any address changes, contact names and number etc for existing customers.
Inxpress Australia – Weship Franchisee Training
Webship is best used and viewed with Explorer 7 or Firefox Webship is best used and viewed with Explorer 7 or Firefox. If you do not have these versions please download from the below site: Once this has been completed please go to our website: Click on Webship Login
Your login is: Company ID – Login – Password –
After logging in you will have the following screen which allows you to begin creating bookings (consignment notes) or obtaining quotes.
Your account name will appear, select whether you are sender, receiver or third party. If you select sender, all your details will appear in the sender fields. If you select receiver all your address details will appear in the receiver fields. If you are not the sender or receiver select third party.
For third party bookings and receiver bookings an email address is required in the appropriate field for the sender. This is so a label (consignment note) can be emailed to the sender directly for them to print out and attach to the freight. (Excludes some imports). There is a job reference field that you can complete. This is for your records only. If you are adding in a new address for either the sender or receiver make sure that you tick the “Save Address Details” box so that this address will save and remain in Webship for all future shipments to and from that address. It is recommended that you keep a set format for saving these to avoid multiple addresses for the one site address. You will notice that there are two options under the email address on the receiver side this is if you need to arrange an ATL (Authority to Leave) at the delivery address. This must be explained that if this option is selected this voids all responsibility from the carrier if the goods are stolen or damaged at the final delivery point. The next part of the screen is relating to weight, dimensions and service type. If you have multiple pieces that are different weights or dimensions you simply click on add and an additional line will appear, allowing you to fill in all the required fields. No dimensions are required for a company provided satchel.
Service Types General Road – Slowest most economical option, great for non urgent freight Priority – Overnight service to most areas, great for urgent freight Same day – you have time options regarding local courier requirements. You can send your freight on a standard service which is normally a 4 hour turnaround timeframe. VIP service is a 2 hour turnaround timeframe. Direct service is used when the courier company does not offer a normal service to either the collection or receiver address and a special service is required. Golden service is a 1 hour turnaround timeframe if physically possible. Same day Interstate – freight that is crucial and required the same day. Minimum turnaround timeframe for this service is 6 hours. Prepaid services – 1kg, 3kg or 5kg only. Most economical service available for small freight.
If you have a consignment note already you can enter the number in the appropriate field or you can tick the box indicating the system to generate one. You must agree to the terms and conditions to continue past this point. Click quote, the system will then provide you with a quote. You can either save the quote or turn the quote into a booking. To save the quote click on save quote. The information will be saved for 14 days only. To book the job select book job. The system will generate a consignment note/label/ AWB for you.
Your screen will change and you now have the option to do one of four things: Select done (only if you already have the consignment note/label/AWB) Email Connote/Label/Manifest to sender Print Label (to be printed and placed on the freight) Print Manifest (to be printed and handed to the driver) For a quick quote you are able to fill in the suburb fields only along with the weights, dimensions and service type. You do not have to complete the full address unless this is something that you personally want to do. Webship is currently set up for the following carriers: TNT - book out manually General road Overnight First Class Same day interstate DHL – this books out automatically with DHL International Parcel (Export – AWB created, Import – costing only) International Documents (Export – AWB created, Import – costing only) DHL Domestic – overnight AAE – book out manually Prepaid services 1, 3, & 5kg satchels Cope Sensitive Freight - book out manually Sensitive/Fragile freight Tailgate services
Quote/Book Job This is for quoting and booking jobs in Quote/Book Job This is for quoting and booking jobs in. Remember to save your quotes should you want to come back to them or if you are quoting for your customers over the phone or via email. Job Search Job search is for specially looking up a quote or an existing job that has already been booked. You are able to search by various options please see the below screen shot.
Track Job This function is linked with most of our suppliers so customers are able to track their packages themselves. TNT, DHL and AAE are linked. This area will give a name of who signed for the freight not a picture of the actual signature. If you need this specifically you will need to log in to the supplier website to obtain this. Reports This enables you to see what types of shipments or totals you have for a period. The customer can create this also. It is created in an excel format so you are able to manipulate this as much as you need/want. Under this option you will also see manifests for each supplier, please do not select these.
Operations Dispatch – this is the screen that you should have open on a separate tab page at all times so that you can see what bookings are coming in throughout the day. You will need to book everything out with the supplier direct for anything other than DHL. If you do not book them out they will NOT be collected. You can book them out over the phone or via the internet. From this page you enter the booking by clicking on the consignment note number. Once you have booked this out move back to the dispatch screen and enter in the booking number in the Note field and tick the “Mark Handled” box to the right then click on “Mark handled/reload unhandled”. This then removes that booking from the screen and you can move onto booking out the next job. Sync Customers – this used to force through an update to the system if you have added a new customer or made a change to an existing customers’ details via Putty/SMS.
Settings Addresses – this is used to add, modify or delete addresses saved by customers for their accounts. You are not able to change the account holders details from here you will need to change this via Putty/SMS. Maintain Users & Groups – this is to create logins for your customers to have access to booking, quoting and tracking online. See screen shot below to see what fields must be completed after clicking on “Add new user” for this to be successful. Please note that all fields will populate into all capitals even though you use lower case.
You will see from the above that you need to select your own franchise as the agent so that you can then see this login and be able to modify or delete this at a later stage. Only give the customer access to Job Bookings and Customer Addresses/Items. You then need to give them access to their own account by typing in their customer name in the Account field and clicking on “Add Customer” this then appears in the Customers section. If a company has more than one account this is where you can give them access to multiple accounts by adding in each customer. For the Franchisee you will give yourself access to all customers under the Permissions section. Never give this to your customers as they will see what you do i.e. All customers and different rates etc. Then click on “Add User” and you have created the login and it is ready to use immediately.
Maintain Customers Enter in the customer’s name that you want to load rates, change rates, add services etc. Click “Update Customer”.
This is where you select the service types you have discussed with your customer and who they prefer to use. You then put in the percentage mark up that matches the rates you are giving your customer, use the imbedded scroll bar to select and view all services. Once this has been done click on Update Customer. The second option on this page is Disable customer, this can be used if they have not paid the account and you are not wanting to allow them to continue booking (also cancel their login). Configuration This section is where your individual Franchise details are held. Open Previous Quote/Booking Opens the last booking or quote you were working on.